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Civil marriages

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Pauline Report 5 Jul 2011 14:20

On the marriage certificate of a relative it's wrote "by certificate before me", what exactly does this mean?


Thelma Report 5 Jul 2011 16:59

"by certificate" which would be found on a marriage entry in a register office marriage register or in a non-conformist marriage register. It shows that the couple waited 3 weeks between giving notice and getting married.

It seems to mean that the certificate is in front of the registrar at the time.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 5 Jul 2011 18:49

As Thelma says, it can be a non-conformist ceremony.
One in front of me here states that the couple were married in...

...Zion Chapel, Madley according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Primitive Methodists by Certificate before me..........

I've no idea why they married there and not in the Parish Church. Both had been baptised as youngsters in C of E church and had all their children baptised C of E or Church of Wales, so the Methodist marriage is a mystery.



Thelma Report 5 Jul 2011 20:39

It can be quite a puzzle as to why some couples married in a particular church.
My father in law decided he wanted to get married on Christmas day.
The only church available was a Scottish Presbyterian and they married
"by certificate" 25/12/1931 even though they were CofE


Pauline Report 6 Jul 2011 14:32

Think mine must be because he was a widower.