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Christening after Burial???

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Derek Report 30 Jun 2011 22:53

Has anyone ever come across this??? did it ever happen?

example....Martha Nall baptised Buxton Derbyshire May 1788...buried 08.04.1788 at Taddington Derbys

The Burial is in the Taddington Parish records..along with an MI for the whole family.

Christening only appears (extracted allegedly) on IGI,,but does not appear in the Buxton Parish records.....

any comments would be welcome......

Thanks, as always

Derek (Derbyshire)


Lynski Report 30 Jun 2011 23:16

Found this on

Martha Nall
England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
birth: 25 Feb 1788
residence: 1788 —Buxton, Derbyshire, England
parents: Robt. Nall, Ellen
record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: Martha Nall
gender: Female
baptism/christening date: 11 May 1788
baptism/christening place: Buxton, Derbyshire, England
birth date: 25 Feb 1788
father's name: Robt. Nall
mother's name: Ellen
indexing project (batch) number: C39073-8
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 1041912

England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991
burial: 06 Jul 1788 —Taddington, Derbyshire
parents: Robt Nall, Ellen Nall
record title: England Deaths and Burials, 1538-1991
name: Martha
gender: Female
burial date: 06 Jul 1788
burial place: Taddington, Derbyshire
father's name: Robt Nall
mother's name: Ellen Nall
indexing project (batch) number: B05197-6
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 1752223


Derek Report 30 Jun 2011 23:19

Thanks Lynski..somewhat deatroys my faith in the copy of Parish records I have in front of me!!



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 Jul 2011 00:15

Perhaps its down to the transcription? As you know, some PR are really awful to try to read.

Initially I thought it might be down to the way the dates were presented ie

08.04.1788 would be 08 April 1788 if read in the UK, but 04 Aug 1788 if read by (say) an American. However, the record as above rules that one out!


Potty Report 7 Aug 2011 11:22

The extracted record on the "old" familysearch has Martha's father as John and a date of 4th May. The source is Bishops Transcripts for St Mary's and All Saints, Chesterfield - looks like two different Martha's


mgnv Report 7 Aug 2011 19:03

It wasn't uncommon to give a newly born child the name of a deceased sibling.

I believe this is an example - I haven't verified this, nor will I - it was research for someone else's thread

Lancashire Birth indexes for the years: 1865
Surname Forename(s) Sub-District Registers At Mother's Maiden Name Reference
LEATHER Eliza Hindley Wigan & Leigh HURST HNDL/31/494

Lancashire Death indexes for the years: 1866
Surname Forename(s) Age Sub-District Registers At Reference
LEATHER Eliza 1 Hindley Wigan & Leigh HNDL/22/412

Lancashire Birth indexes for the years: 1868
Surname Forename(s) Sub-District Registers At Mother's Maiden Name Reference
LEATHER Eliza Hindley Wigan & Leigh HURST HNDL/37/334