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Idmiston, nr Porton, Wiltshire

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Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 30 Jun 2011 20:42

Does anyone know the area please?

I am trying to find out where someone who died in Idmiston in 1968 would be buried.
I have done a Google search and found that the local church is now not open for worship and is under the care of a church conservation group, so I'm not able to get guidance from clergy.
The number found online is for an office of the conservation group and they don't know about old records.

A bit of local knowledge would be really helpful please.



Dawn Report 30 Jun 2011 23:53

Wiltshire council have their own website. Within this there is a church 'search' list with the following down as being in Idmiston:

All Saints Church, Idmiston
Baptist Church, Idmiston
Chapel of St. Thomas, Idmiston
Church of St. Nicholas, Porton, Idmiston
Garrison Church, Porton Down, Idmiston
Methodists, Idmiston
Presbyterians, Idmiston
Primitive Methodists, Idmiston
Roman Catholic Church, Porton Camp, Idmiston

I'm afraid I can't tell you if anyone from 1968 would have been buried in any of these places but you might be able to contact someone from the council or one of these churches who could give you more information.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 1 Jul 2011 00:10

Thank you Dawn.
That's really helpful. Now I have a useful lead to follow.
Thank you.



KenFromNearTheStones Report 1 Jul 2011 13:41

The records should be at the "Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre" at Chippenham. They do a free 20 minute search as a one off if you know what record you are looking for. Try the web site for e-mail details


Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 1 Jul 2011 13:50

Thank you for your interest Ken.

By browsing this morning I came across the website you mention.
I phoned them and they were indeed most helpful and phoned back when they had checked their records.
Unfortunately the person I am trying to locate was not listed in the Idmiston church burials.

I have since contacted Idmiston parish council who have acknowledged my e mail and will reply more fully when they have had chance to ask other members for information.



KenFromNearTheStones Report 1 Jul 2011 14:16

Are you sure that it was a burial? Cremation could have taken place at Salisbury or burial at a near by parish of Boscombe or Gomeldon, or any of the Chapels in the village.


Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 1 Jul 2011 17:11

I'm not sure of anything. I'm just starting out on this quest of looking for this lady in the hope that ultimately I can find her son who died in 1983 in Hampshire.
I cannot find where he is buried in Hampshire and I can find no cremation record ( I had a thread about this) so I wondered if he was buried with his mother, whose death certificate copy I have recently received.
I had already checked with Salisbury crematorium and staff told me that neither mother or son is in their records.

Thank you for the other suggestions for leads to find them. I don't know the area, so localised in-put is most helpful.
Thank you.



KenFromNearTheStones Report 2 Jul 2011 15:29

Have you tried Burial Index which I think WFHS have or the MI for either Hampshire or Wiltshire through Findmypast.


Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 2 Jul 2011 21:33

Thank you for your on-going help.

I haven't tried Wiltshire.... Does anyone have access please?

Here is a link to my thread searching for the son in Hampshire.

I am now looking for Sarah Jane SMITH, aged 90 who died in Idmiston in July 1968
