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Bradford Worsted Mill
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oldbean | Report | 30 Jun 2011 16:38 |
Thanks Whitenancy, I managed to find out how important the area was to the Industry, I just wondered if anyone had any first hand knowledge but thank you for the web address and your input with the Bolton Road too. |
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Whitenancy | Report | 30 Jun 2011 14:15 | could |
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Whitenancy | Report | 30 Jun 2011 14:12 |
By 1841 there were 38 worsted mills in Bradford town and 70 in the borough and it was estimated that two-thirds of the country's wool production was processed in Bradford. Less than ten years later, Bradford had become the wool capital of the world with a population of 100,000 leading to the development of a solid engineering and manufacturing base and a key financial centre which has continued to flourish ever since. |
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oldbean | Report | 30 Jun 2011 12:48 |
Does anyone have a knowledge of Bradford Worsted Mills please? I have looked on history of Bradford sites but I am looking for a Mill that would have been close to Wild Boar Street where my Ancestor lived and worked around 1911. I am assuming that this street is no longer as I can see no reference to it latterly. Forgive me if this is not the correct board to ask for this kind of help. |
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