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Familysearch batch numbers

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BeverleyW Report 23 Jun 2011 13:17

I was reading a post yesterday where somebody was talking about batch numbers on Familysearch but I can't find it now :-S
I have two men in the same village with exactly the same name, christian and surnames identical. (UGH!)
Between them they had 9 children, no mother's name mentioned anywhere.
There are two batch numbers mentioned on familysearch, my question is, is this a reliable way of working out which children are siblings?
Someone ages ago told me that the batch numbers were just an identification of the person who transcribed the records, but I'm not convinced.


Lindsey* Report 23 Jun 2011 13:29

the 2 men are unlikely to have the same name wife, so you need to know the mothers name .to separate the children

The batch numbers will give you a group of children with the same parents


Potty Report 23 Jun 2011 14:17

Batch numbers which start with a C, M, E or P refer to a particular parish or parishes (clicking on the Source Call No in a record will bring up the details) and are extracted from the parish records. There is sometimes more than one batch for a parish, each batch for a different time period.

Some batches do not have one of the above letters and those, I think, were transcribed directly from parish records by members of the LDS and images are not available at their FH centres.

Would you like to post some details and perhaps somebody can help you sort it out?

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 23 Jun 2011 16:25

In conjuction with Family Search batch numbers you could also you the Hugh Wallis site,,,

gives more details of the parents for the batch number.


BeverleyW Report 23 Jun 2011 17:39

Thank you for your replies, sorry had to rush out to work.

I'm looking at the Weedon (or Weeden) family of Abbots Langley, trying to make sure I have the right group of siblings.
As I said, there are at least two, possibly three John Weedons all around the same time and I think there are at least two Elizabeths.
I have the following children for certain:
Samuel 1788/89
Hannah 1791
Charlotte 1793
Elizabeth 1795
Susanah 1798

(Apologies again, mother named as Elizabeth which I didn't say in my first post).

But there are also a number of other children with father John:

Elizabeth 1787
Thomas 1783
John 1782
William 1780
James 1778
Martha 1777
all Abbots Langley, plus a William son of John and Elizabeth born 1786 in St. Albans.

I've now checked the batch numbers but they don't really help.
I have no marriage date for John and Elizabeth because I don't know who they are though I suspect John was born in 1764. I hit a brick wall with Elizabeth a long time ago and have had no luck at all breaking it down.

I'm pretty sure that I have the right group of children for my family but it's always nice to check all possibilities.

Thanks again for your interest.


AnninGlos Report 23 Jun 2011 21:39

I sympathise, I had two men same name married to two women same name born same place. Fortunately they were later than yours and I was able to sort them via the censuses because they had different occupations. they were actually related too which didn't help and named a couple of their sons the same too.


BeverleyW Report 23 Jun 2011 23:10

SatNav - yes those are the ones I have, plus Susannah who is on the old Familysearch but not on the new site.
AnninGlos, I wish I could use the census! The parents' marriage would help confirm the siblings and vice versa. This brick wall is looking like it's impossible to break down. I'm sure I know who the father John Weedon is (and if I'm right his parents were..... John and Elizabeth) and could go back another 3 generations but just can't find any evidence to prove it :(
Thanks a lot
