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Adoption Advice please?

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Geraldine Report 25 Jun 2011 06:48


As your mother was the adopted person only she had the legal right to discover her origins. However, it's more difficult for birth family members as we have no legal right to access the adoptive name of an adopted child.

The only way forward is to go through an Adoption Support Agency such as NORCAP or After Adoption and for a fee (it's not cheap) they will search the adoption records, contact the adoptee and it's up to the adopted person if he/she wishes contact.

If by chance you knew the adoptive name (or part of) a search can be made of the INDEX of The Adopted Children Register and purchase the full Adoption Certificate which gives name and addresses of the adopters. Buying Adoption Certs is an expensive business... I know from experience as I bought a LOT when searching for my brother.


David Report 24 Jun 2011 19:56

hi I have read your post with great interest as my mother was also adopted. I have found out that she had two certificates. The first being her birth certificate which gives the names of her birth parents then there is The Certificate of Adoption which gives her adopted Sirname and her adopted parents name. If you know what the name was before the adoption both certificates should be able to be traced

good luck


~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 23 Jun 2011 22:10

Hi Geraldine & Penny,

Many thanks for your comments and advice.

I was under the impression the birth certificate should have the word ' adopted' on it as I know the child was. But somewhere in my memory I have this gut feeling that I was informed that the child stayed with the mother for a very short time after the birth, which co-incides with what you say Geraldine.

I've taken a good look at Norcap and that has given me lots of info relating to the changes in the law, but I shall look at the one you mention too.

Many thanks everyone for your advice and help, it's very much appreciated.

Good Luck to you all in your own research,

Regards, Lou :-)


Geraldine Report 22 Jun 2011 22:57

If the birth certificate you have was issued prior to adoption then the certificate would not show the word 'Adopted'

Birth certificates are only amended after the adoption has been granted in the court. However, I have read that occasionally errors were made and some certificates were not amended.

Adoption files are sealed and only the adoption person has the legal right to access them.

A good website to read up on adoption is It will explain fully about recent changes in the law. If you're a birth family member it will explain how to apply for contact .

Hope this helps.


Penny Report 22 Jun 2011 20:26

Adoption by a step parent maynot show on birth cert, otherwise it should say ''adopted ' if they were

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 22 Jun 2011 19:48

Hi TootyFruity,

Thanks very much, I wasn't sure if I could find out any more about the child.

I will look at Norcap and thanks again.



TootyFruity Report 22 Jun 2011 19:26

Only the child can access their adoption papers.

Try looking on the Norcap website

~Looby Loo~

~Looby Loo~ Report 22 Jun 2011 19:14

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to obtain any documents relating to an adoption from the 1950's please?

I have the birth certificate for the child, but it does not state she was adopted. I know for sure the child was adopted.

Is it possible to obtain adoption papers and if so how does one go about these things?

Thanks, Lou