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GEORGINA Report 20 Jun 2011 21:38

When my subscription expires soon will I be able to view my EXISTING threads?

I know I can't view records and join in threads but
Is there any way I can save them now , and then delete them from the board


Chrissie2394 Report 20 Jun 2011 21:51

Hi Georgina,

I think you can access the threads but you can not post any replies if you let your membership laspe. Any posts/threads you have you can keep by copy/pasting them onto a word document.

I've found it's advisable to do that anyway as some members help that many of us on here that they delete their replies after a while.



GEORGINA Report 20 Jun 2011 22:40

Thanks Chrissie,
That is going to take ages - I didn't know if I could put them on a disc or stick.

I asked months ago about deleting the actual threads - not the watches - and people said 'what do you want to do that for?'
Its called tidying before you leave the room. I shouldn't have collected so much in the first place. A real hoarder I am.
One don't want to come back in a years time and find the same rubbish, does one?


KathleenBell Report 20 Jun 2011 22:57

I don't see the point of deleting your threads. You will still be able to come back and view them and anything in them may be of help to other people in the future.

Kath. x


TootyFruity Report 20 Jun 2011 22:59

Why delete your threads, they do not take up any space on your computer. Also they may be of use to newbies who come along and if they have a connection with you will be able to send you a message from the boards.


Chrissie2394 Report 21 Jun 2011 10:38

I never delete any of mine but important ones where members have helped with providing essential info I copy them onto a document as in the past a helping member has deleted the info before I'd had chance to do something with it.

It used to show that the post had been deleted, now it's as if the post had never been added.



GEORGINA Report 21 Jun 2011 23:09

I do print off any important information, or just 'watch' if it is a webaddress. But I didn't realise for a while that any thing I put into a thread got stuck on 'My Threads'. So I am stuck with a load of stuff which has no reference value at all, and is mostly personal conversations.
Not what I want to be remembered for, and I may not be back. Hence the query on deleting my rubbish. I mostly treat 'watch' threads like post it notes,

Please scuse my ignorance on use of the site.
Help, I am still joining in threads. Someone cut my fingers off please.


jax Report 22 Jun 2011 00:18

Why should it matter how many you have in "My threads" you only have 133 at the moment just think how long it would take me to delete all mine and others have a lot more than me, like Kathleen

I cannot see the point in clicking watch thread unless you dont intend to use the site on a regular basis and are waiting for a response
