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Finding a Date of Birth

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Martin Report 19 Jun 2011 09:18

Can anyone help me ? I have the year of birth , quarter if registration , mothers maiden name ! but to make sure of the details , I need to get an exact D.O.B . Can anyone tell me how to get this please ?


Porkie_Pie Report 19 Jun 2011 09:27

the only way to access that info and to no for deffo that it is the correct person is to buy the cert



Patricia Report 19 Jun 2011 09:29

As Roy said you will need to get the cert.

Some baptisms, if you find one, give the dob as well although most don't.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 19 Jun 2011 10:28

You probably know anyway, but purchase certificates from the official site

£9.25 includes 2nd class or air mail postage.


TootyFruity Report 19 Jun 2011 10:30

Or if there a possibility of the person being deceased, more recent death registration may include full dates of birth


Flick Report 19 Jun 2011 10:42

If the birth was less than 50 years ago, you can't order the cert from the GRO without knowing the exact DOB.


Persephone Report 19 Jun 2011 10:46

On our (NZ) more recent death records the date of birth is shown about 95% of the time but then there is the hunt to find where they were born. Cannot just surmise they were born in NZ. We can only check out the birth dates prior to todays date 1911. Quite ridiculous at times.
For women they have also more recently registered the deaths in their maiden name. So if you go look for married name Brown first name Flossie, it will show up in the Brown's list (if you have searched all the Browns to be safe) as Flossie Smith..




Martin Report 20 Jun 2011 08:54

Thanks everyone , The exact problem I have is , I have her birth records ( not the date ) though she was registered in the first quarter . I then have a record of her marriage ( and change of name ) Then in the married name , there is a death showing in 1999 , the D.O.B on the death cert is 28 / 2 .
As there is only one person with that name registered in 1959 , an only one showing with her married name , which would go on the death cert , and that cert showing D.O.B as 28 / 02 / 59 is it reasonable to assume this is the same person .
I need to be fairly sure before I can mention it to her friends .


Lindsey* Report 20 Jun 2011 09:08

The age on a death cert is not always correct, the informant quite often gets it wrong.


Patricia Report 20 Jun 2011 15:23

Someone registered in the first Qtr could have been born the previous year, for example my Dad was born December 1919 but registered in March Qtr 1920 [so many public trees have him listed as born 1920!]

As already said the information on a death cert is only as good as the informant knows or think they know. A relation of mine has a 'birthday' on 28/2 but in fact she was born on the 29th

I am a bit confused though when you say you have her birth records but not her birth date. As this is over 50years ago then you could still order the birth cert


Andysmum Report 20 Jun 2011 17:08

I think what Martin means is that he has looked up her birth and marriage records on freeBMD or similar, but has no proof that they are the same person as the one who died.

A birth cert. would help, and so, possibly, would the marriage cert. but the only way to be absolutely sure (about anything in Family History!) is to ask someone who knew her well. As she was only 40 when she died, are there any other relations who could be contacted?


DIZZI Report 21 Jun 2011 01:28