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Marriage`s in 1940

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Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 16 Jun 2011 19:31

Does her marriage certificate state her father's name and occupation?
Does that suggest a particular area of employment.?

What about her home address....Is that a family address you could check in old electoral lists at the library local to the address, to see which adults were listed there?... This would have to be 1939 or 1945 as they weren't complied in wartime.
Relationships were not shown, but maybe you could work out her mother's name from that, then look for a marriage between those parents, then look for the daughter's birth with the correct mother's maiden name on freebmd.



lisaking Report 16 Jun 2011 18:32

Thats all i need to hear, i guess also the war was on and did they care, i have been looking for a woman that stated she was 22 yrs on the marr cert, we have every birth cert going for the age shown and nothing comes true, so i just thought what if she lied about her age.
Thankyou for that info Shirley xxx

Lisa xx


brummiejan Report 16 Jun 2011 18:32

I married in the 70's and as far as I recall didn't need a birth cert. I suppose it isn't necessary as you are allowed to use any name you like!

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 16 Jun 2011 18:19

I dont think you had to produce any birth cert I married in the 50,s and wasnt asked for my birth cert.
People did lie about their ages and sometimes would state the father was deceased to cover no family being present at the marriage


lisaking Report 16 Jun 2011 18:08


I hope someone can help me with a bit of info, im wanting to know what ID if any a person would need to get married in 1940 London, is it possible for someone under age to get away with marriage, did they need the birth cert or some other form of ID.

Lisa x