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Locksbrook Cemetery Bath

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Why did I start this?

Why did I start this? Report 13 Jun 2011 13:53

After visiting the record office in Bath I found out that my ancestors were buried at Locksbrook Cemetery Bath in the green section. The record office did not have a map of the cemetery and therefore I could not find out which part was the green section. I visited the cemetery and spoke to someone from the probationary service who maintain the cemetery and he did not know either.
Is anyone familiar with this cemetery or has ancestors buried there ?
I will probably pay the £20 to have the name searched by the cemetery staff but wondered if anyone knew. The cemetery covers 66 acres so it was not a surprise that we were unsuccessful in finding the grave.

Why did I start this?

Why did I start this? Report 13 Jun 2011 14:26

Thats a good idea. Thanks I will try that