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"Causing the body to be buried"

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Vanessa Report 12 Jun 2011 23:21

Hi all,

Am hoping you can explain what the above means?. I have never seen it before on any of my ancestor's death certificates. It appears on my grandfather's death certificate where the informant/residence box is.
He died at the Brook Hospital Shooter's HIll SE18 in 1957.

Many thanks,



**Ann** Report 12 Jun 2011 23:25

Found this little snippet??

I always think it is sad when I see this - I came across one in my research. It was a spinster lady and her family was mainly abroad. Sad that there was no relatives around.
It would not have to be a named next of kin to register a birth, so the fact that some one registered it 'causing the body to be buried' just meant that there was NO ONE else around, and that is why it is sad to see.
In the case of the one I had, it was her solicitor who had registered it, so I guess he then made the funeral arrangements - certainly no 'common grave' . So you cant make that assumption about your guy either.


KathleenBell Report 12 Jun 2011 23:27

It just means that the person organised the funeral with the undertakers.

Have a look here to find out about certificates:-

"Note that someone whose qualification is "causing the burial or cremation....." is NOT the undertaker. This is the person who is giving the instructions to the undertaker - or in the past - was doing the funeral arrangements themselves. Note also that the executor of a will does not qualify to register unless they are the ones making the funeral arrangements".

Kath. x


**Ann** Report 12 Jun 2011 23:31

A better explanation?

Causing the body to be buried" is normally written on the death certificate when the death was registered by a non family member. A hospital employee, doctor, landlady etc


Vanessa Report 12 Jun 2011 23:32

Ah many thanks.

Yes the informant's rsidence was also the hospital's address. I now have to find where his final resting place was!


Potty Report 13 Jun 2011 12:22


The Brook was my local hospital then. The most likely cemetary would be Charlton or possibly Eltham. Both come under Greenwich. The council offer a lookup service - a bit expensive at £45. Google Charlton Cemetery for details.


Barry_ Report 13 Jun 2011 14:47

My GreatGrandmother has the same entry on her death certificate. I was unclear what it meant and I asked the register office where the death was registered if they could explain. This is the helpful reply:

"The term 'causing the body to be buried/cremated' is referring to the person who is giving the instructions to the undertaker - or in the past was doing the funeral arrangements themselves. This qualified that person to register the death."

…and it was also followed by…

"Uncertified deaths are rare nowadays but the situation in which you would have an uncertified death would be where a person died at home at the weekend - doctor on holiday or away from surgery. In that case there is no other doctor who can legally sign a certificate. The coroner would be notified - but if he decides looking into the matter that there is no need for a post mortem then you would have an uncertified death."



Vanessa Report 14 Jun 2011 11:35

Many thanks for all your help. It's taken me over 5 years and a lot of money to find out what happened to him!