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Workhouse Records
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Sarah | Report | 11 Jun 2011 00:14 |
If a child was born in the workhouse in 1874 would the workhouse have records of the birth? |
Andrew | Report | 11 Jun 2011 00:19 |
The workhouse would have kept records and the birth would be registered in usual manner. |
Sarah | Report | 11 Jun 2011 00:25 |
Thankyou Andy, I will take a look |
KathleenBell | Report | 11 Jun 2011 10:10 |
The birth would have been recorded at the workhouse and also in the normal index. However whether or not the workhouse records of the birth survived would depend on which workhouse it was. Some records have survived and some haven't. |
Sarah | Report | 11 Jun 2011 15:02 |
The problem I have is my great grandmother was born from a relationship between a servant and the son of the household in Llanelli. I have found her listed in the 1881 census living in that household as her grandmother took her. She took their surname and is listed a Lillian Thomas. She was born in Merthyr Tydfil. The servant in the household in the 1871 census was listed as being born in Merthyr Tydfil but may not even be her. I looked back in the census and found her to be living with her mum and her aunt and another child. The mother and her sister worked breaking limestone in Penydaren Yard, was this area anything to do with Merthyr Tydfil workhouse. My great grandmother was caught burning all of her paperwork muttering that nobody needed to know so we have nothing to work with. We know who her father was but not her mother I am not sure we will ever find out. |