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What is the 'going rate' for family tree research?
Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Flick | Report | 10 Jun 2011 09:52 |
I hope that you will be able to guarantee the accuracy of the 'tree' you produce............... |
LD | Report | 10 Jun 2011 09:14 |
I have done some research and charged for it. I don't try to make a profit, but want to show some reward for my time. |
Researching: |
JaneyCanuck | Report | 9 Jun 2011 23:22 |
Now, I'd agree with Margee if this were a family member or close friend and it was a gift for a special occasion -- but otherwise, I might not want to volunteer myself for free! If my hobby were designing and sewing clothing, it might be my hobby, but when it's done for an unrelated third party, it's kind of work! |
Researching: |
MargaretM | Report | 9 Jun 2011 23:11 |
If you enjoy doing genealogical research why not be a nice guy and do it for free, just charging your colleague for what it costs you, eg. certificates, travel expenses etc. |
Researching: |
Rambling | Report | 9 Jun 2011 23:06 |
A professional genealogist would charge between £15-25 an hour, plus costs of certificates, travel etc. |
Researching: |
Olive | Report | 9 Jun 2011 22:57 |
A colleague has asked me to complete his family tree for his Dad's 70th birthday. He has offered to pay me the going rate... but what is the 'going rate'?! |