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Elizabeth Fourth/ Folkes

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Shirley Report 9 Jun 2011 13:16

I have changed the last name of my ancester Elizabeth Fourth to the last name of Folkes, after looking at Norfolk Family History, and finding no Fourths around Gt, Yarmouth, and knowing people who have looked at the document and not being able to make out if it was Fourth or Folkes, I changed it to Folkes because Folkes was a family name for the Gorleston and Yarmouth area of Norfolk :-)


JaneyCanuck Report 9 Jun 2011 17:36

Just curious Shirley whether this relates to something that's been discussed on one of these boards in the past.

If so, you would do best to add this info to that thread -- because otherwise, most people (me, for instance) will have no clue what it is about!


JaneyCanuck Report 9 Jun 2011 17:39

Yes, here we are, I googled fourth yarmouth

Shirley 31 May 2011 16:07

I Am trying to find who Elizabeth Fourth was, her parents, and the rest of her family, she was married to Thomas Stolworthy and she was born about 1753 and died 1783 married about 1778 in Gt. Yarmouth U.K there has been some discussion if her name was Fourth or Faulk

Shirley 3 Mar 2006 16:37

Can any one help with the right last name of the Elizabeth who was married to Thomas Stolworthy in 1778 she was born about 1753 and died 1783, in Norfolk, is her maiden name Fourth, Forlke or Fourlk, or something else, cant find anything about her or her family untill I know her right last name, she is my gt gt gt gt gt grandmother Shirley Hayes

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