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Some help reading old service records please!

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Rebecca Report 9 Jun 2011 11:53

Thank you Ginny for your time on this one and the others you have helped me with.! Rebecca


Gee Report 9 Jun 2011 10:11

You'd need Harry's birth certificate for his full DOB

England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915
about Harry Hartley
Name: Harry Hartley
Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1882
Registration district: Ecclesall Bierlow
Inferred County: Derbyshire, Yorkshire - West Riding
Volume: 9c
Page: 401 (click to see others on page)

Henry looks to have been born 16/6/1914


Gee Report 9 Jun 2011 10:07

Who's DOB? Harry or Henry?


Rebecca Report 9 Jun 2011 09:52

Thank you Ginny, yes im sure its his son. As on the service records too it lists a Henry H Hartley as a child of the marriage. Thank you taking the time to look for me. The only thing missing off these records is his dob not just the year he was born, shame really!


Gee Report 9 Jun 2011 09:10

Deaths Mar 1916 (>99%)

Hartley Henry 1 Ecclesall B. 9c 575

But the rank/proff says 14 Platoon on the death cert?

I cant see a death for him on the maybe it is the death of his child?

Hang on, his war record states that he was granted furlough from 6/1/17 to 15/1/ the death cert cant be him!

And this birth would fit in with the age of 21 months at time of death

Births Jun 1914 (>99%)
HARTLEY Henry Hallam Ecclesall B. 9c 1049

Wife, Zilpah Elliott was born 'Hallam'


Rebecca Report 9 Jun 2011 07:38

Thank you guys, ive just had another look at the cert, i wonder if it could be 21months? and possibly his son?
Thank you for taking the time to have a look around for me.


Flick Report 8 Jun 2011 22:16

He was transferred to the Reserves in 1917

The death cert is dated 1916, for a Henry Hartley, aged 21, so not your chap.

The next page refers to a claim that he's Harry's son......but the maths doesn't support that idea.

As you have access to Ancestry, why not save the records to your computer, and study them at your leisure.

It doesn't appear, though, that he was involved in action - as far as I can deduce, his time in the Army was spent at the Depot.


Ozibird Report 8 Jun 2011 22:07

Well, I've tried but can't find it on Ancestry.



Rebecca Report 8 Jun 2011 21:20

I have been lucky enough to find the service records of Harry Hartley from Sheffield. There are 26 pages on Ancestry. I can see his wifes name, children etc...there appears to be a death cert in there as well! So really lucky, but if anyone has the time and interest please could you help me through his life in the services,thank you so much.
This is the Harry Hartley...

British Army WWI Service Records, 1914-1920
about Harry Hartley Name: Harry Hartley
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1882
Age at enlistment: 33
Residence: 98 Carver St, Staffield
Document Year: 1915
Regimental Number: 24926
Number of images: 26