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Calling all Taylor & Smiths & their freinds. HELP

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Cynthia Report 6 Jun 2011 18:46

Hello James.

This is now the fourth thread you have on this family. If you take a look at the FAQs section of Genes, you will see that you are only supposed to have one thread per family.

You have been asking the same question for a long time now and the following thread - running since January 2010 - has over 40 replies on it with people trying to help you.

To keep posting the same questions over and over again is not going to solve your problem unfortunately and could involve the helpers on here duplicating research which has already been done on your behalf.

See also:

Have you had a look at the new Find Living Relatives board....just a thought.



James Report 6 Jun 2011 17:01

Hi thanks for reading this message.

I am looking for Ellen Taylor formerly Smith and her family. I have a marriage certificate that could be this Ellen Smith's. I just need one person (friend or relative) who knows these people to contact me:

On the day of this marriage in 1940 (which took place in the Deptford Registry office) Ellen Smith was 22 years of age when she married Edward Taylor who was 25 years of age.

Edward was a bachelor and his profession was a Cable Hand.
Ellen was a spnsiter and her profession is not stated.

They lived at 6 Ommaney Road, New Cross London.

Ellen's father was William Smith and he was a Forman Baker
Edwards father was John Taylor and he was also a Cable Hand.

The marriage was witnessed by a W G Caslte and a R A Perkins.

I have also got a birth certificate for a Pauline Jean Taylor born in 1941. Mother Ellen Taylor formerly Smith - father Albert Edward Taylor who profession was a Machine operater at a Cable Works. The address on this certificate is 9 Essex Road, Chingford Essex.

Due to the professions of the Groom and his father and that of Pauline Jean's father (he was a machine operator in a Cable Factory) it is almost certain that these two certifcates are related. (copies can be emailed upon request).

I was Ellen's fifth child Michael John Taylor and I was adopted in 1949. My adopted mother, Ivy Williamson knew my biological mother. Not only did Ivy bring me up to know i was adopted, but she also told me all what she knew about Ellen. She told me that I was Ellen's fifth child and this was infact confirmed to by Lewisham Hospital, where I was born on the 25th March 1948.

The four other children were

Pauline born in appx 1941
rene born in appx 1943
Ronald born in appx 1945
Sheila born in appx 1946/7

There simply has to be someone out there who knows this family or these siblings. Understandably using the usual searching channels finding a Smith or a Taylor with limited information is like trying to find a needle in several haystacks. I just hope someone might read this and a huge bell will ring. If so please get in touch asap. I have now been looking for my brother's and sisters for 45 years. Time is definitely against me.

thanks for reading this.

kind regards

James formerly Michael John Taylor