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Overseas Birth, deaths ans marriages

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JaneyCanuck Report 7 Jun 2011 17:41

Thank you Elaine, btw!

And my post has been restored. ;-)


JaneyCanuck Report 6 Jun 2011 17:58

I see the left hand still doesn't know what the right hand is doing at GR.

If James returns to his thread (and maybe clarifies what time period he is looking for) I'll be happy to repost the information I had given.

Not his fault there's a vendetta going on around here! :-D


Elaine Report 6 Jun 2011 11:47

dont know why someone reported you janey...i have always found you v.friendly and helpful


JaneyCanuck Report 6 Jun 2011 00:53

I am sure that the information I took time to assemble and post for James's information, about the sources that are (and are not) available for Canadian records, will be restored once GR staff have reviewed the post above and dealt with the person who reported it.


mgnv Report 6 Jun 2011 00:42

I'm sure Janey would recommend that you drill down at:


Joy Report 5 Jun 2011 21:32

Thank you, Janey, so it is :-) - the dreaded error message appeared
Sorry. An error has occurred
We can't take you to the page you wanted. The problem has been logged and our team will be working on it.
Thanks for understanding. We're really sorry for any inconvenience!"
so I went away from the site for a while


JaneyCanuck Report 5 Jun 2011 21:02

The thread is still on General Chat, if that's the one. Maybe James should read a little on the boards here, like what each board is for, and how to use the boards, including finding and replying to replies to your posts.

The 1911 and some earlier censuses are available free of charge at

but it has a bad search function.

Births, marriages and deaths (vital records) are held provincially and only some provinces make records available on line.

Ontario is available only at Ancestry.
British Columbia is available at Ancestry and its own free site.
Manitoba has a few kinds of records searchable on line.
Quebec records can sometimes be found in the Drouin Collection at Ancestry.
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have searchable records on line.

You will not find vital records for most of the last century because of privacy cutoffs -- with some exceptions, generally 100 years for births, 85 for marriages and 75 for deaths.

The records available to whoever is offering the lookups would be no different from what anyone with access to Ancestry Canada or worldwide has, and the varous databases that are available free to anyone.


Joy Report 5 Jun 2011 19:30

Okay, it seems that your previous question has disappeared, so has my answer.

If you look on find my ancestors board you will find a helpful person that does lookups concerning Canadian research; her thread is currently on page 22 on find my ancestors board and is called
Ancestry Canada lookup - Renewed Again! (07/05/11)


Joy Report 5 Jun 2011 19:12

James, I answered your question on the general board.
If you look on find my ancestors board you will find a helpful person that does lookups concerning Canadian research; her thread is currently on page 22 on find my ancestors board and is called
Ancestry Canada lookup - Renewed Again! (07/05/11)

And if you google you can find various Canadian census.

Happy hunting :-)


James Report 5 Jun 2011 19:10

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

I am looking for Relatives with a canadian connection.

what would be the best search engine/website to use or does genesreunited have access to a canadian data bank.

thank you in anticipation fo your help
