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Find My Past Ireland

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MarkMorgan Report 6 Jun 2011 14:10

The could do with releasing a world subscription level to cover their England and Wales, Ireland, Scotland (Scotland's People), and Australia and New Zealand sites as one.



Elaine Report 5 Jun 2011 16:56

thought that.....i on payg on find my past,but it doesnt carry over to the irish find my past. have paid for GR and a pensioner i dont really want to pay anything else out,especially as it might not be helpful(dont even have birthplace of one of my ancestors)

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 5 Jun 2011 15:23

FMP Ireland has a subscription or pay as you go to see the records..

Purchase subscription

Ireland collection
Start your journey here with our Ireland collection. Our records provide more than names and dates - find out what your ancestors did and how they lived.

6 months subscription €37.95 EUR (Less than €0.21 per day)
12 months subscription €59.95 EUR (Less than €0.16 per day)
Ireland collection features
Vital Records
Census & Substitutes
Land and Estates
Military and rebellion
Travel and migration

Purchase PayAsYouGo credits

PayAsYouGo credits
Start your journey here with PayAsYouGo credits. Our records provide more than names and dates - find out what your ancestors did and how they lived.

100 credits €9.95 EUR (Credits are valid for 90 days)
300 credits €24.95 EUR (Credits are valid for 365 days)
Purchase credits
What can I view with credits and how much do I get?
PayAsYouGo credits give you access to all our records.
The costs for accessing each record type are listed below:

Vital records (BMDs): 10 credits
Census and substitutes: 10 credits
Land and estates: 10 credits
Directories: 5 credits
Military & Rebellion: 10 credits
Prison registers: 20 credits
Court records: 20 credits
Estate records (1850-1885) 30 credits

Hope this helps..

And thats on top if you already have a subscription like a few of us on her.

So not cheap...


Elaine Report 5 Jun 2011 12:46

thnx susan...will try it>>>have hit brick walls with my gt gt gt g/dad,born tuam.galway and my gt gt gt g/dad>simply down as being from ireland!! now irelands not a huge place,but there are an awful lot of people living there!


Susan10146857 Report 5 Jun 2011 01:56

Just in case it hasn't already been posted...It began in May.