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30 May 2011 18:29 |
Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone would be able to help with this one.
Isabella MacLeod nee Murray born 05/09/1891, she was Married to John MacLeod on 26th April 1921 in Dingwall and proceeded to have three children Norman, Kenneth and Alexander. She worked as a fishworker and was the daughter of Kenneth and Anne (Annie) Murray (ms: McLeod), she had three sisters, Annie (4yrs Older), Mary (2yrs Older) and Catherine (3yrs Younger), she also had two younger brothers Kenneth (4yrs Younger) and Donald (7yrs Younger). Isabella died on 27th February 1927 of Acute ?Camfour ? Pneumonia.
I know this is a lot of information but what I am trying to find out is in regards to her marriage - Isabella is my g grandmother, her son Norman was my grandfather and as you can see she died when he was very young. Isabella and John married in Dingwall, according to their Marriage Cert, at Urquharts Restaurant, and one witness was a Nellie Urquhart. She would have been pregnant 'only just' with my grandfather at the time of her marriage. I cannot find any connection, other than this, of my family to Dingwall. I have no Urquharts in my tree, or at least haven't come across any and just cant quite figure out the connection. Does anyone have any ideas. Another question and a major long shot but would photographs have been taken? Would anyone have any old photo's from their family restaurant?
Any info would be much appreciated and sorry for the info download. Lorraine
30 May 2011 23:54 |
As Scotlandspeople (BMD etc) is a fee paying site, can't be of any direct help.
However, as the wedding took place in the Urquharts restaurant, could Nellie have been a friend rather than a relative? Perhaps if you contacted the Stornoway FHS, they may be able to shed some light on the restaurant itself, and tell you if there were any professional photographers in the area.
Hand held cameras were available in the early 1920's, so it is possible that family snap shots were taken on the day. Alternatively, they might have hired a professional.....I have one dated from the early 1900s.
Again, photos of the Restaurant might exist. Try contacting the Western Isle Library Service to ask if they know/can suggest where any may be.
18 Feb 2012 11:08 |
Sorry for the delay in replying, thank you for that.
18 Feb 2012 14:50 |
You don't say whether you have solved the mystery since the original message last year, but, if not, the best place to try for photos would be the local newspaper/family history archive in Dingwall.
I am a bit puzzled as to why a couple from Stornaway (on the Isle of Lewis way out in the Atlantic on the west of Scotland) would get married in Dingwall (on the Cromarty Firth on the east of Scotland), particularly as you say there is no other connection to Dingwall. Are you sure you have the right marriage certificate? The answer is probably yes, as there is so much more information for cross-checking on Scottish certificates - but, just a thought.
18 Feb 2012 19:13 |
Very possibly they chose to get married in Dingwall rather than on Lewis if Isabella was already pregnant before she got married as this would have been frowned upon in the Western Isles. The Highland Council Genealogy Service based in Inverness at the Highland Archive Centre would probably be able to tell you if anything has survived about Urquhart's restaurant. Tel No 01463 256444 I have found them very helpful. Sorcha
19 Feb 2012 13:19 |
Maybe it was a very quiet wedding,they eloped maybe.Nellie Urquhart,was connected to the Restaurant and she just stood in as a witness.Or,maybe Nellie was a friend.
20 Feb 2012 13:59 |
Hi All,
Thanks for the replies and the archive site, hopefully should provide some insight.
In short, I have never solved this mystery, I have almost convinced myself that they eloped because she was pregnant, but then I wonder if that's true becasue her brother signed as the other witness?? It's a real mystery I have to be honest. I am actually hoping to get up to Stornoway in the summer this year, and may make a wee detour to Dingwall for a day or so and see what I can dig up.
I definately have the right marriage certificate as I got the information from my grandfathers original and subsequently copied birth certificate and it confirms their marriage as being in Dingwall also.
My grandfather passed away a few years ago now and I miss him desparately, he never knew anything about his mother because his father never talked about her after she died and my grandfather was only wee so couldn't remember an awful lot. I would just really love to figure out what the connection was and if by any small miracle there may be a photograph of her somewhere. Its a long shot I know, but he never had anything of hers and I would love to have something and resolve this little family mystery.
Thanks alot xx
20 Feb 2012 14:05 |
Lorraine, did they go back to Lewis after the marriage?
In the 1901 census Isabella seems to be with her mother and siblngs living in a squatters' house. I wonder if the family moved away from the Island.
20 Feb 2012 19:28 |
Hi Potty,
Yes they did, they were married in 1921, Isabella was born in 1891. The house they lived in is still in my family now.
20 Feb 2012 21:32 |
HI again,
I should have said there, she was living with her family in 1911 aswell, from what I can make out, they were born, lived and died in Lewis, Stornoway to be precise but for some reason got married in Dingwall.
Eloping is the only explanation I have come up with to date??
Thanks all, yours comments are much appreciated.
23 Feb 2012 07:29 |