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Canadian Army Members during WW2

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Zoe Report 31 May 2011 08:30

Hi Sandra, thanks for your info. However I am certain he did not die during the war, he returned to Canada.

Margee, not sure where he was traced to, wish I did! I have noticed Dube is a fairly common name when trying to find out info.

Kind Regards



MargaretM Report 30 May 2011 18:01

You say he was traced for a divorce. Do you have any idea where he was traced to? Dube is quite a common name in Quebec and Eastern Ontario.


Zoe Report 30 May 2011 10:50

Thanks so much for your reply.

I will get onto these straight away.


mgnv Report 29 May 2011 19:17

A useful starting point is

Note in particular

For a d.cert, you'll need to know what province he died in - assuming he is dead. Most provinces have a closure on these, typically 50y, but it varies. (Ontario is not closed, but no index is available for the last 70y, and paying $15 for a 5y search, plus $15 for the d.cert can make this v expensive.) A grandson or daughter's application would typically avoid closure rules.

If you've some idea abt location, a phone call or a search for a newspaper obit is a viable route.

The last Canada-wide census released is 1911 - 1921 should be released 2014. There was a limited 1916 census covering AB, MB, SK that is released.


Zoe Report 29 May 2011 15:36

Hi, I am lost as to where to search next and was wondering if anyone could help me please.

I am looking for John Paul Dube, 25776 Private Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps (Famer).

He is my mother-in-law's father, who married her mother in 1943 in Southwark, London. He was in London during the 2nd world war. We know he returned home after the war and was traced for a divorce some time later.

How do I find anything about him? I can find lists of Canadian servicemen who died during the second world war, but I know he didn't die.

Thanks so much, Zoe