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No Record on Census

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JustDinosaurJill Report 27 May 2011 22:49

Sorry if this question has been asked before but I often find that I can't trace someone on the 1901 census on GR.

So I input the info as a free onto the homepage of Ancestry and the person shows up.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a significant part of 1901 missing from Genes? I have problems with it anyway as I can't look at the image as it tells me there is a prob with the Adobe which works fine with everything else. I've done as suggested when I first noticed the problem and asked GR directly and put Adobe in again. I just manage now with what I can see. I'm not really bothered as I still have loads to look up for other years with all my other kin.

I'm desperate to find this one person as I've realised she is the person my mil told me a story she'd heard about a child being given away as there were too many children in the family. Her parents went on to have several more children but I suspect that this seventh child was one girl too many.




brummiejan Report 27 May 2011 22:56

I get the impression that Genes can be a bit problematic for records. I would consider reverting to basic membershipwhen it's time to renew and subscribe to Ancestry or FMP.
If you haven't already done so you might have to put out a plea! Happy to have a look.


JustDinosaurJill Report 27 May 2011 23:05

Thank you Jan. Rather than post a name request on here I'm sending you a message. And I suspect that you are right about reverting to basic membership. I've got no regrets about getting a Platinum on here as it was the first one I signed up for and it's been brilliant for the most part but now I'm kind of progressing I can see the difference in the two sites. I think that they both probably have pluses and I love the community on here.

Many thanks.



brummiejan Report 27 May 2011 23:12

That's ok Jill, though usually best to post on thread as more people can contribute. Willing to have a go!


Hazel Report 28 May 2011 00:00

I am having problems with 1901 census images too and I think I will be going back to basis membership. I know about the ancestry site but what is FMP



brummiejan Report 28 May 2011 00:01

Sorry, short for Findmypast.


Hazel Report 28 May 2011 00:03

Thanks Jam will check it out



jax Report 28 May 2011 12:59

I seem to remember that you cannot do a wildcard search with GR think I only used the records a few times when I was a gold member, just could'nt find anything

It was ok with the common surnames but my paternal line I could never find as it was spelt all kinds of ways I had to subscribe to ancestry in the end to find them



Sylvia Report 28 May 2011 16:16

I am also having trouble with transcribed names e.g. Henchley, Hinchley Hinkley etc. Richey Ritchie Ritchey so I know of the problems. Sylvia


Flick Report 28 May 2011 16:24

GR is the worst possible place to search for info.

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