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Odd Occupations

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GypsyJoe Report 27 May 2011 14:33

I'm sure there was a thread on here on this subject but be damned if I can find it. :(

So if someone knows where could they please nudge it if not maybe we can start again.

I have a strange occupation, I've tried google and also various occupation websites but not found it. So can anyone help please? BY all means everyone else add any that you find or come accross.

Mine is Shovel finisher


PS the obvious would be something to do with making shovel ie spades but not sure it if is in fact something else.


Kense Report 27 May 2011 14:41

Are you reading it from a transcription or are you looking at the image of the certificate or census return? If it is a transcription then there is a possibility that it has been wrongly transcribed.


GypsyJoe Report 27 May 2011 14:59

Good point Ken it was the image I think it was yesterday I looked at it ant it's at home where as I'm at work - shhh don't tell anyone I should be working - lol and I don't think the bosses would take working on my family tree as my work if you know what I mean. ;)


Kense Report 27 May 2011 15:09

Have you looked at this site? It diesn't say what they actually did but at least confirms it as a genuine occupation.



GypsyJoe Report 27 May 2011 16:40

Thanks Ken - obviously it means they finnished working on them.


Donna17 Report 27 May 2011 18:10

I found one a while ago that said "purveyor of cats meat". I pondered for a long time whether that was meat intended FOR cats or meat MADE from cats.
I decided on the former, firstly because I like cats, and secondly, after Googling catfood, I decided that food made especially for cats was probably quite fashionable at the time (around 1881).

I might be wrong ;-)


GypsyJoe Report 31 May 2011 14:25

Lol who's to say what they really ate a centry or so ago. After all in some countries they still eat cats and dogs.


Nannylicious Report 1 Jun 2011 00:14

The website is

This will take you to the Hall Genealogy Website Old Occupation Names. Alternatively, just google Old Occupations or Victorian Occupations and there will be other links for you to look at.

I couldn't find a shovel finisher but agree that he probably polished them after they were made. I wonder whether he worked for a blacksmith?



GypsyJoe Report 15 Jun 2011 16:19

Pamela that's a good question, I'll have to look and see if there are any blacksmiths in that family.