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Delicate personal issue: sensitive topic
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Ruth | Report | 27 May 2011 11:14 |
I hope it is alright to post this here, I won't mention any names and all people concerned are now deceased. |
Maddie | Report | 27 May 2011 11:20 |
sadly Ruth we cannot change the past and I think we all find something in our family that we would rather not know. But the siver lining in the cloud is you. If it had not happened you would not be here, so please don't feel so bad |
Ruth | Report | 27 May 2011 11:23 |
Yes I suppose once we go far back and find lots of relatives there's going to be a bad one somewhere along the line. :( |
Donna17 | Report | 27 May 2011 11:39 |
Hi Ruth |
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Janet | Report | 27 May 2011 12:17 |
Sadly, like every sin in the book , it has been there since time began. Its only a few years ago when that guy ( ? in Germany) had kept his daughter locked up and she had 7 children by him. Nothing changes. As fast as society finds a voice and a new way of combating wrong doings, someone else will find a loop hole to bypass what is right. |
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Ruth | Report | 27 May 2011 13:02 |
Thanks everyone for your support. |
Vera2010 | Report | 27 May 2011 14:49 |
That must have been upsetting for you and not something you can get over easily. I do think perhaps if you can't come to terms with this past,you should seek some help although they say it is good to talk it out with others as you are doing. |
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jax | Report | 27 May 2011 16:06 |
It was not only the fathers back then what about the brothers? I often wonder about my own gt grandmother who was illigitamate and her mother was the only girl with four older brothers...not nice to think about that sort of thing going on...but it did |
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JustDinosaurJill | Report | 27 May 2011 18:02 |
Part of your concern and bad feeling seems to come from the way your female ancestor was treated. I take it that you suspect or have evidence that the relationship which created the child was one of abuse and unlawful sex. |
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Christine | Report | 28 May 2011 17:23 |
It was usual for the Egyptian Pharoahs to marry their sisters - other people were not considered royal enough. It did eventually cause problems because of inbreeding - that's the reason it has become taboo. However, just one instance, in your case, obviously didn't result in any difficulty, so you should simply celebrate the fact that you are here! |
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