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Which website to choose???

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Nicky Report 27 May 2011 10:22

Morning All,

A friend of mine has asked for my suggestions for the best family history website to subscribe to as a birthday gift for their mum. Cost will obviously factor into her choice but also how user friendly and extensive the records that there are on it?
I subscribe to worldwide but would be interested to hear from those of you who use other sites i.e. findmypast and british origins and whether you prefer them or could suggest other sites as well.

I would appreciate any thoughts - many thanks.



Flick Report 27 May 2011 10:29

Not only cost, but the requirements of the person for whom the sub is to be a gift.

If UK records only are needed, or FMP

FMP is currently the only site with fully-searchable 1911 census, although Ancestry is working on transcribing it for full access.

The best ways to decide are to look at the home pages of the sites and compare what they offer.........OR - take up the 14-day free trials on Ancestry & FMP.


Nicky Report 27 May 2011 10:48

Thanks for your thoughts Flick.


Donna17 Report 27 May 2011 12:22

At the moment the search on Ancestry is driving me mad! I am having to find what I want by searching for it somewhere else, and then going to it directly on Ancestry.
People adding things that are wrong into their trees just because it suggests them is also a bit irritating on Ancestry.
I really like the search on FMP.
I like GR a lot. I like the contact with other people if you share the same ancestors, and the expertise on the boards is really something else.

I think it also depends how experienced the person is, and how complicated their tree is likely to be. And whether they just want to make a tree or whether they want the kind of social connection of the site too.