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Merging individuals on GR?

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Sonya Report 27 May 2011 00:16

Is it possible to merge two individuals on GR as you can on Family Tree Maker, please? If so, how do you do it?


Lindsey* Report 27 May 2011 00:39

I dont think its possible, you might ask GR if they can do it for you. otherwise you will need to upload your ftm gedcom to overwrite your GR tree


Sonya Report 27 May 2011 00:46

Thanks Lindsey.


Persephone Report 27 May 2011 06:11

No GR can't do it- the only way to remove double ups (intermarriages etc) is downloading a gedcom from another program. That's okay until you come across the next one and have to repeat the process.



Sonya Report 29 May 2011 00:49

Thanks Persephone.
It sounds like something GR should be working on (if they aren't already).


Persephone Report 29 May 2011 02:58

Don't count on it, I asked them about it in 2004 not long after I started putting a tree up on here. I couldn't understand how another member had his linked okay with these plumbing links here and there looked a bit like under floor piping everywhere. Then he told me what to do gedcom wise.

Seven years later nothing has happened re GR getting a package that includes this important factor.



InspectorGreenPen Report 29 May 2011 06:59

It isn't just a question of allowing the merging of individuals, it requires a significant change in the database design too, to handle the multiple relationships which arise from merging two individuals, each their own set of ancestors and descendants.

Even if you import a gedcom created on a program which does handle multiple relationships, it won't always display correctly in GR.

It is a facility that commercial programs can afford to develop, but if GR are to keep their tree builder as part of the free membership package it will be difficult for them to justify the development costs. So, I wouldn't hold your breath.


Sonya Report 15 Jul 2011 12:08

Sorry IGP, I've only just spotted your reply.
Thanks for the input and explanation.