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Elsie Report 26 May 2011 22:06

As a family we have lost touch with WALTER ARNOLD - known as Wally or Wall. Despite many attempts to contact him by phone or letter we have been unsuccessful with no response. We are hoping this mail may be seen by someone who knows him or of his whereabouts. Last known place of residence was in Louth, Lincolnshire. He was born in LONDON, lived in Kent briefly after his first marriage to Margaret. They had two children Carol and Michael, Michael died when he was still a young man. Wally also lived in Brentwood and Basildon Essex; His first wife died and he then married Joy who also sadly died. Later he married a third time and at some point moved to live in Lincolnshsire We believe his daughter Carol lived nearby and visited him on a fairly regular basis. We know that over the past couple of years he had problems hearing and was using a wheelchair.. Wally was born around 1924. His Sisters Jean and Marie and brother Ted, also his nieces and nephews and their families wish him well and hope he or his nearest and dearest may get in touch. His family are always thinking of him and only wish him to know that he is loved and missed and that if he needs anything he only needs to contact us. John and Els. <3

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 26 May 2011 22:56

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