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Birth Certificates

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Locket18 Report 26 May 2011 16:55

Thank you all for your help in clarifying this matter.


Contrary Mary

Contrary Mary Report 26 May 2011 15:20


Can I just ask.......are you certain, by that I mean have you got the certificate, that the lady in question DID marry the 1st time?

If she didn't (or even if she did at a later stage) and had changed her name by deed poll to her partner's name, then that becomes her *maiden name*.

I have got that instance within my own family in the last 20 years.

So, for example:- Jane Brown changes her name to Jane Smith by deed poll, then marries her partner John Smith. They divorce and she then marries Fred Bloggs, their children are shown as Bloggs mmn Smith.

OR, it could be as others have suggested, the present husband registered the births not knowing that his wife had been married previously.


 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 26 May 2011 14:53

I have a birth cert from the 1920#s with mother's 1st married name as her MMN.


Locket18 Report 26 May 2011 14:43


That's what I thought, maybe she never told her second husband of the first husband and he presumed that was her maiden name?



Locket18 Report 26 May 2011 14:38

Hm I thought so, however I know for sure that a particular person marrieda second time and all of her 4 children's birth certificates show their MMN as her first husbands surname? I take it this is not usually the case? Have you ever come accross this before?



jax Report 26 May 2011 14:37

Same as Contrary Mary

Although I have seen some where they have given the first married name as the maiden name....must have got confused or the husband registered it and just thought that was her name as it was the name she married him with


Contrary Mary

Contrary Mary Report 26 May 2011 14:34

As her original maiden name.



Locket18 Report 26 May 2011 14:32

Hi all,

A general querie: If a lady marries for a second time and has more children, would their birth certificates show MMN as her original maiden name or her first marriage name?
