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vanished from census

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Huia Report 26 May 2011 06:59

I know that there is a page, or even a folio missing from one of the censuses on FMP, as I had the image which I got from Ancestry ages ago, but couldnt find it on FMP and when I typed in the details which I got from the A. image, there were quite a few schedule numbers missing.



SpanishEyes Report 26 May 2011 06:30

Another reason that some families may not be on the census is that they may have gone abroad so not in the country forvthe census and then are back on the following census. I have had this happen at least three times...and I was not living in the UK for theclast census so will not be on that for futurer researchers to find, but hope to be still be alive and kicking for the next one
and back in the UK.

07.38 hrs Spain :D


jax Report 26 May 2011 00:06

So thats why I have been called Ajax in the past :D

I do not use spell checkers, thats cheating :-)



Joy Report 25 May 2011 23:11

Keep trying, jax :-)
PS when I do a spell check, it wants to put Ajax for your name! :-)


jax Report 25 May 2011 23:04

I have a whole bunch of people who would also be living at different address's missing off the 1851 in a villiage in Hertfordshire.

Joy I found ex husbands grandmother on the image on the 1911 but not transcribed still waiting for FMP to do something about it 2nd attempt now


Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 25 May 2011 22:52

If you know where they are likely to be, 'walk' up and down the street viewing the images.
Some of mine were there, but not logged in the index.

Still others were logged under a neighbour's surname, although the image was quite clear.



Joy Report 25 May 2011 22:51

That's true, jax. I am almost certain that a great-aunt has been missed off the 1911. I, and others, have hunted high and low.


wellybobs Report 25 May 2011 22:51

I have had a similar thing happen, they may not show on one site such as t GR but be there on such as Ancestry or FMP, I am relatively new to this so I don't understand how it happens except to say that like Joy KM it is probably due to mistrancsribed information.
Sometimes it can be because the spelling of the name changes, example, I was looking for Eliza Peckett, tried GR then FMP and then went on Ancestry and found her as Eliza Pickett, same family but different spelling, so its worth a try to look on different sites if you can. Don't forget that most Librarys have free access to Ancestry.
good luck. M.


jax Report 25 May 2011 22:47

And of course they could just be missed off??



Joy Report 25 May 2011 22:16

It happens :-)
Sometimes the name on the image is mistranscribed. Sometimes they are there using a different surname.

Would be happy to take a look.


Lesley Report 25 May 2011 22:10

can someone explain to me how a family can be in the 1871 and 1881 census and then just seem to 'vanish' until 1901 when they 'reappear' living in the same community?