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JustPenny Report 24 May 2011 20:13

Thanks for your help everyone. I too prefer the more traditional family history sites for basic info. I haven't had the need to look for current addresses and phone nos - not sure I like the idea, even tho' the info is in the public domain (personal opinion only, I hasten to add!!)

I will pass your comments on to my friend and he can decide what he wants to do.

I will leave this thread open for a while, in case it's of interest to anyone, but I won't return to it regularly.

As always, thanks for your time and experience.


Flick Report 24 May 2011 17:23

Why don't you take a look at the site?

I don't think it has any old's ER's cover 2002-2011

Personally, unless the name is common, I find it better to go to the nearest main public library and check the telephone directories.

You have to bear in mind that many, many people withold their details from the public ER............and, of course, many also have ex-Directory phone numbers, or no landline.


Andysmum Report 24 May 2011 17:09

I use it as a free version of Directory Enquiries. It will tell you the name of the person in the Telephone Directory, with address and phone number (unless they are ex-directory) and a list of the names of all other people on the electoral roll, either up-to-date or for 2003 if they have subsequently opted out of the public version.

So, unless your people have moved house since 2003, it would be worth a try.


jax Report 24 May 2011 15:55

It will give addresses and the people over 18 living there from 2002

Ancestry also do one that looks cheaper called Living relative search


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 24 May 2011 15:54

It does sometimes give a free find for a name with an address and tel nos but mostly its electoral roll info that has to paid for. It does quote the name you are looking in birth records but may not be the one you are looking fo AND it has to paid for too, Its not a cheap site either £11.84 for 6 credits and they dont go far

If you see an electoral roll that could be a lost relation than it may be worth paying out to find an address for the, they have up to the 2011 electoral roll now. Wont of course give info if the person has opted out of the public roll .

If you are looking for free BMD's then FreeBMD site is the way to go


JustPenny Report 24 May 2011 15:36

A friend looking for living relatives has asked me about this site. According to him it gives info from mainly the 1900s with a free search, but then you pay to see the info.

Has anyone used the site? Did it prove helpful and is the info available worth paying for?

As always, I would appreciate your help.