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Is it me?

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Cynthia Report 24 May 2011 13:25

Hi Sheila,

Tthis question pops up quite frequently!

If the envelope is white, it may have been opened or it may have been deleted! The envelope shows white in both cases.

I do wonder if people who don't use the site very often think the messages are just an advertising ploy from GR! I sent a message to someone I know but he just deleted it because he didn't know what it was!! Hey ho. I would try again if I were you.

Regards. Cx


Gai Report 24 May 2011 08:21

Hi Shelia,

I have the same experience especially with the ignored messages. I give details of how I think we are connected and I'm surprised as how many don't answer back. I have just counted and I have 7 messages that have been ignored.

But then I have been very cheeky this year. I sent a message in 2009 and the response I got was No connection and that was it, no sorry or anything. So earlier this year this member contacted me via ancestry and you guessed it we certainly do have a connection. So I sent him a message back saying that he said in 2009 on GR we had no connection so why did he think we had one now. I have looked at his public tree and there are so many mistakes I won't be giving him access to my private tree complete with photos. :-)



Lindsey* Report 24 May 2011 08:09

Its probably they are no longer members, if you are talking about contacting people about your tree ?

It's quite unusual for 2 people to be researching the same person at the same time on here judging by the number of very old threads that are answered,

Opened and ignored ? well that's up to them!


Sheila Report 24 May 2011 07:58

Have just been checking my sent messages and realised how many have not been opened, or even worse, opened and then ignored.

Why? In my innocence, I assumed everyone on here was researching family history. Anyone else experience this?

Have a good day everyone