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Adoption Records
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Locket18 | Report | 25 May 2011 09:11 |
I too was adopted and have sucessfully completed my search, let me know what info you have and I'll have a look for you. |
Marian | Report | 19 May 2011 21:23 |
I know, it was very disappointing to be told thisbut luckily there are other ways if you search long enough. I had even rangthe hospital 3 times over the years to be told birth register for my year was missing,but this time I had a very helpful person who looked a bit further and found an admissions and discharge which gave me quite a bit more info.I was adopted in 1938 soa long time ago. |
Donna17 | Report | 19 May 2011 21:08 |
Marian - that was good luck! :) |
Researching: |
Marian | Report | 19 May 2011 20:59 |
Hi, we had the same thing with my adoption file,they said it had gotten burnt ina fire !!!,this was long time ago in 1938 when I was born.Have just got a lot further by phoning the hospital where my bieth records were held,they found an admissions and discharge register for that year,and on it it had my mothers age,her mothers name and maybe your friend knows where she was born? |
LD | Report | 19 May 2011 19:48 |
Thanks Donna, will look into that as well. |
Researching: |
Donna17 | Report | 19 May 2011 18:35 |
Does she have her adoption file? Sometimes that has some more information. Most people get it when they first get their birth certificate, but I guess it depends how she got her birth certificate. |
Researching: |
LD | Report | 19 May 2011 17:13 |
Thank you Joy |
Researching: |
Joy | Report | 19 May 2011 17:08 |
I would try contacting NORCAP - |
LD | Report | 19 May 2011 16:08 |
I am trying to help a friend find out about her birth mother. She has her Birth Cert so knows mother's name and where she was born but that is all. We cannot pinpoint the correct person from that. |
Researching: |