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Newent, Gloucs - deaths

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Harry Report 18 May 2011 22:29

Thank you for the replies girls. I have worked Victor to death with my desperate threshing about.

Was hoping someone would have the NBI and it would be an easy look-up, but if not I'll out on the kind Victor again.(the marriage above is the couple in question)

Thanks for the interest.

Happy days


Flick Report 18 May 2011 22:11

Contact Victor.........he offers Glos records office lookups.....and, on a separate thread, NBI lookups

But you must send PM's - he does not respond otherwise.

Slug & Lettuce

Slug & Lettuce Report 18 May 2011 22:06

Hi Harry

I can only find the ones on the family search site.

I tried a search with William H..... just in Gloucester and guessed he would be about 20ish when he married and the only one on the site was this one.
William H...
England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
residence Bristol, Gloucester, England
parents: Robert H..., Elizabeth
record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: William H...
gender: Male
baptism/christening date: 30 Apr 1764
baptism/christening place: Bristol, Gloucester, England
father's name: Robert H...
mother's name: Elizabeth
indexing project (batch) number: I04146-3
system origin: England-EASy
source film number: 1595986

The link just in case for the Hayes Heyes etc.......

William Haife
England Marriages, 1538–1973
marriage 28 Jun 1780 —Newent, Gloucester, England
spouse: Hester Lewis
record title: England Marriages, 1538–1973
groom's name: William Haife
bride's name: Hester Lewis
marriage date: 28 Jun 1780
marriage place: Newent,Gloucester,England
indexing project (batch) number: M03040-4
system origin: England-ODM
source film number: 91536

Hopefully, this will nudge your request up and someone may be able to help.

Ria x


Harry Report 18 May 2011 19:47

Hay(es) from say 1790 - 1837 if that is in easy reach. Particularly looking for Hester (Esther) Hay(es) and William. Married 1780. He signed as Hay, but IGI has it as Haife - an old world variation of Hayes.

An age would be lovely, but surprising.

god bless. Happy days