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Lorraine Report 18 May 2011 18:57

can some one please tell me how i would go about finding out what cemetery relations are buried in and if there is a site or a centre i can go to to view these records? as i was told by a elderly relative that certain relations of mine were in a manor park cemetery east london so i paid the appropriate fees for searching for them so i could go visit the graves only to be told by the staff that there is no records of my relations.. so pretty peeved atm..
also i beleive alot of my relatives are or were in woodgrange park cemetery east london ,but after researching this cemetery it seems a housing estate now stands on half the graves and alot of bodies were exhumed apparently the company that owns the land now charges a whopping 25 pounds to search per person .....and i certainly dont want to pay that to be told that they were never there .. :S


Lorraine Report 18 May 2011 19:03

no ... i dint know these places existed .. do they have an online service.. or do i have to go along to a centre?


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 18 May 2011 22:57

have you seen my grave stone thread if not here is the link

would just like to add if some one dont no the eara thay can get very confused with some of the cemeterys in the eara

now west ham cemetery is just up the road from manor park cemetery

city of london cemetery is also just up the road more or less from manor park cem and some peolpe do get confused with the two also i think you can still book in to do your own lookups free of charge

woodgrange park cem well i dowt if you would find the living in there let alown the dead sorry but this one is in such a shambles and its not very saft to go in by your self
BUT if you dont live that fare it is worth a try to pop in there and ask the grands men to have a look in the index reords for you as thay are very helpfull and lovey men and i understand that there is no old reords as thease was buirnt in a fire some time ago

east london cemetery some people get mixup with city of london
now im not share with this cemetey if the charge is still £15 or more
and the staff are very moany and not very helpfull

west ham cenetery is i very nice one and you could try sending an email to this one as i think this one is still free of charge and the man in the office is very nice and helpfull


sorry to go on and on was just ment to post a line or two


Donna17 Report 18 May 2011 23:15

I can vouch for the guy at West Ham cemetery being really nice :)

That's the one that comes under the London Borough of Newham, and I emailed them through their website ([email protected])

He told me they do family searches, but I don't know what they cost as he told me what I wanted to know for nothing as I knew name and date of death (if you know those its free).


grannyfranny Report 18 May 2011 23:29

Cemeteries have a bit of a duty to find graves, as rellies might be entitled to be buried there. I searched all over Manchester for OH's family, and eventually a nice man found them. He said 'I've never failed to find one yet'.
But you need to know the name and approx DOD.


Lorraine Report 19 May 2011 08:51

thanks for all the information everyone .. i get on to it today x


Lorraine Report 19 May 2011 08:51

thanks for all the information everyone .. i get on to it today x


Lorraine Report 19 May 2011 12:04

thanks piglet .. ill join roots when i get home from work and see if they can help me further .. thanks again for the info x