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Pam Report 16 May 2011 08:26

I use an Address Book to keep all my log-in information in.


maggiewinchester Report 16 May 2011 00:05

When my brother in law died, my sister closed most of his accounts, but didn't know he had a tree on here.
I found out by accident a year after his death, e-mailed GR, who deleted it.
My niece and sister in law's brother also have trees on here, but have never been members, and no longer look as far as I'm aware.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 15 May 2011 09:46

We have a 'purple book' with an alphabetical index. We really ought to go through it and tidy it up, not that I've mentioned to the nearest and dearest that continuous site memberships would need to be cancelled.

The passwordmanager site looks a possible. But I'd be loathe to add financial site passwords to it............just in case.


moonbi Report 15 May 2011 02:24

That's the best idea I have heard in quite a while.
At the moment my site details are on the inside cover of my research journal. mainly for my own reference, as I have quite a few that I visit under different names.

But Im going to get a little note book and do as you have suggested.
with my oh often away at his farm and also computer illterate, and my 3 children spread around the country, I need someone close to take care of this when I cant.
So I have decided to tell my best friend, about his little note book that Im going to get, and tell her where it can be found.

I know not the future, and I hope I will be around for a long while yet, but being organized and prepared is sensible.
Im not sure who on this site can have my email though. ;-)


Lynski Report 15 May 2011 02:22

It is right by my computer with instructions


SylviaInCanada Report 15 May 2011 01:27


the important thing is to make sure that the family know where the notebook is, and that they are to use it when necessary.



Lynski Report 15 May 2011 01:26

I have an address book with all my sites and log-in details, user name and password, (mainly because I can't remember all of them!) but it will also come in very useful for my family in such a situation.


SylviaInCanada Report 15 May 2011 01:20

I have a small notebook near my computer.

In it, is my site name and password(s) for every site that I go on.

That is partly because I find it very difficult to remember what name and/or password I might have used on which site.

OH knows about the notebook, and I have told him that he is to use the information in there to remove me from every site that I am on ....... including GR

The second effect is that that will prevent automatic charging of subscriptions to any credit cards

I also have the home email address of at least one person on every site that I visit regularly

My next step will be to tell him about those names and addresses, and tell him to email those people, tell them what has happened, and ask them to post it on the site(s).



SylviaInCanada Report 15 May 2011 01:15

I posted a similar thread on Suggestons earlier today, and thoguht it might be worth duplicating it on here

There have been a number of threads on this and other boards re non reply to pms, and how this might be rectified

There have been several suggestions, including automatic log-out if someone has not been on GR for a certain length of time.

However, one of the major reasons for non-reply is often that the member has died , is very ill, or for some reason not using the site. But he/she is still listed as a member

.............. and the reason for this might be that relatives do not know about this (and other) sites, and do not know passwords etc.


The idea being that they will then go to those sites if you are incapacitated or dead, and remove you from the site.
