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Strange address? Help?

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Christina Report 14 May 2011 19:23

My great grandmother's address on her birth certificate from1897 is
1H 4C Rice Street Liverpool....what does the 1H 4C mean?


**Ann** Report 14 May 2011 19:39

Probably flats, courts,blocks etc.........lots of them in Liverpool around that maybe 1h is block 4c door number??


Lindsey* Report 14 May 2011 19:39

It just seems to be the way they are numbered

like this

Sched Name Relation Condition/
Yrs married Sex Age Birth
Year Occupation Where Born Original
93 CURTIS, Jane Head Widow F 52 1859 Liverpool Lanc VIEW
93 CURTIS, John Son Single M 23 1888 Baker Bread Liverpool Lanc VIEW
93 CURTIS, Bertha Daughter Single F 18 1893 Liverpool Lanc VIEW
93 MURRAY, Peter Boarder Single M 23 1888 Baker Bread Manatoba Canada Visitor VIEW
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
22196 Reference:
RG14PN22196 RG78PN1313 RD453 SD3 ED22 SN93

Registration District:
Liverpool Sub District:
Abercromby Enumeration District:
22 Parish:

C 1/9 Rice St W Liverpool


Christina Report 14 May 2011 19:54

Thanks Lindsey, they must have been tiny places packed out, I can imagine it must have been where the poorest people lived at that time...I will try to see if Rice St still exists.


Andrew Report 14 May 2011 20:19

It will mean 1 House 4 Court. Probably a back to back, one up, one down.

The road would have had a number of 'courts' or yards with a single entry (gully) from the road. The houses were then numbered round the court. Usually the houses has no internal plumbing, just a tap and privies in the middle.



Jonesey Report 14 May 2011 20:24

The most probable meaning of the address is:-

House number one, Court four Rice Street.

Such numbering is very common at that time in urban envionments. In streets (Usually in the poorer neighbourhoods) there were courtyards and in each courtyard there may have been several houses. In most cases the houses would indeed have been quite small and all the houses in each courtyard would share such facilities as a wash house and a privy.


Christina Report 14 May 2011 20:39

Checked and Rice st still exists but has nothing left of the old houses. Thanks for all the information as it has helped me to visualise how my great grandparents would have lived.