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Parish Records

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Susan Report 13 May 2011 18:36


Many thanks for your helpful reply. I have e-mailed the vendor as you suggested and am now off to look at the web sites you mention.


mgnv Report 13 May 2011 18:00

Susan - you should really ask the vendor. They will know what the date range is for the various registers. They will also know if you're just getting transcriptions (which is the most likely case), or you're getting images too.

The information in Old Parish Registers is very variable, depending mainly on the vicar's whims - it only started to get standardized abt 1812, when preprinted registers were introduced. If you want to see a collection of transcriptions, there's several free online. E.g.,®ion=EUROPE

The latter also has collections of images, often unindexed, not that that will matter if you're just wanting to see examples from various dates.


Susan Report 13 May 2011 17:01

Jax, I am not on Ancestry I use FMP.

Flick, I do use the IGI but wondered if the CDs have any additional records as I know not all the family memebers I am researching are on the IGI. I thought maybe more would be on the CDs but maybe I am wrong in that assumption


Flick Report 13 May 2011 16:53

What are you hoping to learn from them?

Have you looked at the IGI? That gives a fair idea of what info is on Parish records...........


jax Report 13 May 2011 16:46

I cannot answer your question, but are they not listed on ancestrys London baptism, marriage and burials?



Susan Report 13 May 2011 16:37

I am considering purchasing 2 CDs for the parish records of St. Mary's Rotherhithe as a have many family members who were christened, married and buried there. Before spending my money can somebody tell me what sort of information these CDs contain? I am particularly interested to know how detailed the information is. Also are they easy to install and use for sombody who has a bit of a computer "fear/phobia" !?

Many thanks. Sue