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Goldmine find today

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Kayak Report 14 May 2011 17:04

Don't know if you know about the Rootschat website, if not, it might be worth a look, they have an Armed Forces board which might be able to help you identify the military photo


PricklyHolly Report 13 May 2011 18:31

How wondeful for you Jillian........i am sure you will enjoy hour upon hour of sheer pleasure. x


JustDinosaurJill Report 13 May 2011 16:56

Eeeek. More photographs. An unused mint condition diary still with the original pencil, also unused for the London, Midland & Scottish Railway
Company for 1939.

And more eeek. The original marriage cert for hubby's great grandparents 17th September 1888 in Barnsley.

Years ago I sat with my mil one day and made notes as she told me what bits she could remember about the family. She mentioned tales of failed businesses and connections to jewellery industry.

Great Great Grandfather is listed as jeweller. HEHEEEEE.

Not sure if there is much more left to find but here's hoping.



Elizabeth Report 13 May 2011 08:36

How exciting to find so much, Im sure you will get great pleasure ( and lots of info) as you go through it all.

I cleared my mums house and found loads of info and lots of un-named was the prompt for my research.....and I keep it all in a large trunk! Mum and Dad were only children so I have lots of relevant things for both sides of the family.

Happy browsing!


SylviaInCanada Report 13 May 2011 06:51

I had a similar experience 2 or 3 years ago.

Both OH and his sister live over here, and OH's mother sent furniture and several tea chest of "stuff" over in about 1987 when she was moving into different accommodation.

Included was a small brown attache case. OH looked inside it, and saw several boxes of 9.5 mm video reels. Closed the box and put it int the storage area.

One night he decided to see just how many 9.5mm reels there were, with the idea of getting them converted to cds or dvds

Turned out there was just one layer ..................... and underneath was an absolute mother lode of photographs from the 1850s to about 1920, many identified some not. Also lots of the little cards that were sent out with pieces of wedding cakes, obituary cards, memorial sheets from funeral services

all saved by OH's great aunt ........ and all helping to idnetify who married who

and providing some great surprises!

It was wonderful!



Elizabeth2469049 Report 12 May 2011 22:25

Jillian, I know just how you feel because only six weeks ago I had a similar find. My daughter was helping me look for things as we had to move furniture round to make a - temporary - downstairs bedsittingroom. Among them was an old lawyers' tin box with my grandfather's name on - I had brought home some of my father's things in it when he died thirty years ago, and thought I'd seen everything. But daughter opened up an old writing case and then a zipped pocket - and there was an envelope with a booklet called "Memorials of the D family", letters between my grandfather and the author, birth certificates, marriage certificates and other notes. The "Memorials" I think must have been the basis of a big but random family tree I inherited, with which I started my tree here, but there is a lot more detail for me to check out and add. But of course I was thrilled!


Joy Report 12 May 2011 21:20

Brilliant! Thank you for sharing the excitement :-)

~~ Jules in Wiltshire~~

~~ Jules in Wiltshire~~ Report 12 May 2011 21:03

Thats brillant, I hope you have a lovely time looking through them

Jules x :D


Treehunter Report 12 May 2011 21:01

Lucky you. Its a great feeling isnt it?

So lots of looking up and checking to come.

Have Fun.



PollyPoppet Report 12 May 2011 21:00

Wow what a brilliant find how wonderful for you to find such treasures
PP :)


JustDinosaurJill Report 12 May 2011 20:50


Whilst helping hubby to clear out some boxes from his late parents house I opened a tin that had half a dozen glass cases in them and the glasses still inside. They all had the name inside and belonged to Clara Emma Martha Wood who was hubby's grandmother. In one of the cases were three small pieces of folded paper. In pencil on two of them were listed the cemetaries and plot numbers of several members of hubby's family.

I've also found certificates relating to education and a bible presented to a Great Uncle by the Salvation Army.

Also a pile of photographs (actually bag after bag of them) but no one had names on so we are going to be limited on who they are. A handful had men wearing military uniforms so I'm hoping at some point to identify them by their cap badge. They probably relate to around WW1.

I've brought back one bag of documents to see what is in there. I was getting so delayed by inspecting the contents where I was.

I'm so thrillied to have found them I just wanted to share.
