To prove or disprove 1881 Census needed to see if these two ladies are the same person
1891 Census Jeanetta Lowen Age: 18 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1873 Relation: Daughter Where born: Clapton, London, England Civil parish: Walthamstow Ecclesiastical parish: St John County/Island: Essex Registration district: West Ham Sub-registration district: Walthamstow Name Age Andrew Lowen 55 Bethnal Green builder Ellen Lowen 55 bristol Jeanetta Lowen 18
Jeanetta Henrietta Lowen Record Type: Baptism Estimated Birth Date: abt 1880 Baptism Date: 10 Sep 1880 Father's name: Henry Lowen plasterer Mother's name: Ellen Lowen Parish or Poor Law Union: Hackney St John Borough: Hackney 40 Grove Lane
I have looked until I am cross eyed but cannot find either
Does this help...?
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Household:
Name Relation Marital Status Gender Age Birthplace Occupation Disability A. LORREN Head M Male 45 Kingsland, Middlesex, England Builder E. LORREN Wife M Female 45 Bristol, Gloucester, England E. LORREN Daur U Female 22 Homerton, Middlesex, England Ironer Anna LORREN Daur U Female 20 Homerton, Middlesex, England Barmaid Andrew LORREN Son U Male 18 Homerton, Middlesex, England Plumber Mary J. LORREN Daur Female 17 Homerton, Middlesex, England Dressmaker Richard J. LORREN Son Male 14 Acton, Middlesex, England Jessie LORREN Daur Female 12 Acton, Middlesex, England Scholar Jennatta LORREN Daur Female 8 Hackney, Middlesex, England Scholar
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: Dwelling Florefield Rd Florefield Arms Census Place London, Middlesex, England Family History Library Film 1341064 Public Records Office Reference RG11 Piece / Folio 0296 / 39 Page Number 40
It sure does I would not have even looked at that one
One down one to go
forgot my manners in the moment thank you
Still cant locate the 2nd.
I have submitted the correct name on Ancestry
This looks like Jennatta's sister Jessie from the 1881 found, with mother Ellen and father Andrew, a plasterer. I do not know if that makes it more likely that the 2 Jeanetta's are the same person Jesse Alma Lowen Record Type: Baptism Estimated Birth Date: abt 1869 Baptism Date: 28 Mar 1869 Father's name: Andrew Lowen plasterer Mother's name: Ellen Lowen Parish or Poor Law Union: Acton St Mary Borough: Ealing
Cannot see any other Lowens with parents Ellen and Henry born around 1880.
Thanks Patchem Most of the children 's baptisms are on Ancestry with the parents being Andrew and Ellen Jeanetta Lowen 1873 parents Andrew and Ellen as per the census
but it has confused me with that baptism in 1880 for jeanetta henrietta with fathers name Henry.
I can understand born 1873 and baptised 1880 but the fathers name . I do not think that Andrew and Henry are the same person as he married Ellen as Andrew and the other children have Andrew on their baptism's
I have to go now as I am at work at midnight back tomorrow
I was surprised at the coincidence of both Henry and Andrew being plasterers.
Hi Quoy Found some information regarding Andrew Lowen (Hope it helps).
From: -
The Illustrated Police News etc (London, England), Saturday, February 6, 1892 STEALING AND RECEIVING . At the Stratford Police court, Joseph Wilson, 36, a carman, giving an address at King Henry street, Islington, was charged with stealing a load of sand valued at 4shillings from a piece of land at Manor Road, Higham Hill, Walthamstow, the property of ANDREW LOWEN, a plasterer, on the 27th ult. It appeared from the evidence that the prosecutor had purchased a plot of land for the purpose of building a cottage thereon for himself and his wife, and had bought several loads of road sand, which were "shot" close by it, and on the pathway of the private road. On Wednesday afternoon, he saw the prisoner coming up the hill with a load, which he believed to be his property and on running to the heap found a quantity gone. He then went after the prisoner and said "You vagabond, you have stolen that load of sand, and I'll lock you up". The prisoner said."I'll pay for it at once, don't lock me up". The prosecutor, however, went for a constable and on returning with one he found that the prisoner had taken the load back and "shot it on the heap". He was arrested by Constable Atwell, 409N, near the place and when told what he would be charged with he said to the prosecutor, "Have a heart; I'll pay for it". On the way to the police station, he said "Its a bad job". He now pleaded guilty, but added that a man who was taking up road scrapings told him the "stuff" was anybody's and that was why he took it. It transpired that the prisoner had been sent to Walthamstow with a load of bricks, and was to purchase a load of sand for 3shillings. On the other hand, it was admitted that the parishioners of Walthamstow had a right - according to the prosecutor - to collect the road sand. The magistrate said the accused might have acted on bad advice, but he had committed an offence. He bound him over, under the first offenders act to come up for judgement if called on and pay 17shillings 6d costs.
Ria x
Interesting tale of enlightened judicial discretion!
There's a marriage for Andrew and Ellen, but not Henry and Ellen:
Marriages Jun 1856 JAMES Ellen Hackney 1b 406 JENKINS Mary Ann Hackney 1b 406 LOWEN Andrew Hackney 1b 406 THOMPSON Nathaniel Henry Hackney 1b 406
Lowen household in 1871:
Andrew Lowin 35 Ellen Lowin 35 Julia Lowin 13 Ellen Lowin 11 Anna Lowin 9 Andrew Lowin 8 Mary Jane Lowin 7 Lovinia Lowin 5 Richd Jno Lowin 4 Jessy Alma Lowin 2 Henry Ernest Lowin 7 Months
So here's my theory -- the Ellen Lowen who was the mother of Jeanetta baptised in 1880 was daughter Ellen. Henry Lowen was an invention. ;) ... Well, it would be if there were any records that relate to any J(e)anetta Henrietta that could be her -- birth, marriage or death -- but there aren't.
So I'd say it's a late baptism with an error on the father's name.
Births Dec 1858 Lowen Ellen Hackney 1b 340
Births Mar 1873 Lowen Janetta Henrietta Hackney 1b 527 Marriages Dec 1893 Lowen Jeanetta Henrietta W. Ham 4a 257
just for ref.
You've seen the name corrections for Andrew's households in 1841 and 1871 at Ancestry?
George Aoyne 46 Sarah Aoyne 41 George Aoyne 10 Alfred Aoyne 8 Andrew Aoyne 5 Adam Aoyne 3
Lowen rather than Aoyne See 1851 Census for George and Sarah Lowen with children Nathan and Adam. Both Nathan and Adam appear to have birth registered with name Lowing, but Nathan and Adam also appears to have marriage and death with name Lowen and entries for deaths of both George and Sarah Lowen in Hackney Submitted on 14/06/2009