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Dissapointed. Any advice??

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Julia Report 10 May 2011 11:25

Some of you may remember that i have been trying to help my Mum trace her birth family for many years. anyway to cut a long story short, we managed to trace one of her birth cousins through this site and had telephone contact with him. He told us that my Mum had a elder sister (not sure if half or full) and said he would speak to her for us. She agreed that we could contact her and asked that we do it by letter in the first instance which we did. Mum spent ages deciding what to write and she enclosed copies of paperwork from the adoption agency to 'prove' that she was who she said she was. 2 months later and we have had no reply, I have emailed the cousin asking if he has heard anything and he has not replied either, I can only assume that the Sister has decided that she didnt want contact after all.
So dissapointed when we thought we were so close to getting a result. Any advice, should we leave it or should we try telephoning/emailing the cousin again in the hopes that we get a reply? or should we write to the sister again.
all opinions welcome!!

Julia (in Cambs)

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 10 May 2011 11:40

Maybe the cousin has been unwell or something . As you have the tel nos i would certainly try again on the lines of Hi how are you ? keeping it light and see where the conversation runs to.

That what i would do if it was me :-)


PollyPoppet Report 10 May 2011 11:47

If it was me I would give them a call and ask if they had recieved they info I had sent and then take it from there
PP :)


Julia Report 10 May 2011 11:51

Thanks both,
we dont want them to think we are harrassing them!! but had hoped that we would have heard something by now!!
I think I will try to call the Cousin tonight as he was really keen when we spoke to him last even suggesting that we meet up and he sent us some family photos which was great!!

Julia (in Cambs)


SpanishEyes Report 10 May 2011 16:10

Many emotions come to the surface when this type of news comes to light. Emotions of, wonderment, fear, sadness, concerns as to what to expect etc, also of course curiosity, will we look alike, will we like each other, will others in the family share my feelings etc. How do I know this.? Well very recently , a matter of weeks, I had a contact from a relative by marriage who was so thrilled to have found someone she became very emotional, and the reactions of her living family were very mixed. However we are meeting in June when I am in the UK . I am so looking forward to that meeting.


17.13 hours Spain

I hope this makes sense as I am writing when I should be packing!!!!


Julia Report 10 May 2011 20:47

Hi Bridget,

Thanks for replying, I very much hope your meeting goes well for you both.
I know what you mean about the mix of emotions! we have been through it all in this quest to try to find Mums birth family and we have so many questions that we would love answered!
I just hope that one day we do finally manage to make contact with the sister as it would mean so much to Mum.

Julia (In Cambs)