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Info on Pallots Baptism and Marriage Records

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Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 10 May 2011 08:03


I am having the same problem with Familysearch. Sometimes it works but more often than not it is coming up with 'no results' even with ones I know are there having seen them not 10 minutes before!



Ozqld Report 10 May 2011 07:24

Thanks K and Quoy

I thought as much, have tried lancs on line parish records the ones I need haven't been transcribed. I've tried familysearch (LDS) for the 1530-1906 Baptisms and Christenings but I'm having trouble with the site, for some reason it is very slow and most of the time comes up with a message unable to display results. Anyone else having this trouble?



Quoy Report 10 May 2011 05:47

quite a few Lancashire Parish registers here

once you have clicked on them you can either read on line or download them


K Report 10 May 2011 04:40

I found this but no extract detials of coverage. I presume from your comments that you have tried the Lancashire on line Parish Clerk Project

Edit - just checked on Ancestry and births in lancashire are not included - more difficult to tell for marriages but looks doubtful

Pallot's Marriage Index for England: 1780 - 1837

Pallot's Index to Marriages is essential for researchers with London ancestry, as it covers all but two of the 103 parishes in the old City of London. The dates span the time from 1780 to the onset of General Registration in 1837. The more than 1.5 million marriage entries come mainly from London and Middlesex, but also include entries from 2500 parishes in 38 counties outside of London-many not available in other sources. Also included are several records from counties in Wales. With indexing begun in 1813, several of the registers transcribed in Pallot's index no longer exist, having been destroyed or lost in the time since.

The index slips were handwritten on paper, and indexing continued regularly over a period of more than 150 years. Each slip identifies the church or chapel in which the marriage was celebrated, the names of bride and of groom, whether spinster, bachelor, widow or widower and sometimes other detail along with the date of the event.


Ozqld Report 10 May 2011 03:00

Hi, could anyone tell me what the Pallot's records are and what areas they cover, from memory I think they only covered London area but not really sure. My area of interest is Farnworth, Bolton, Manchester, Lancashire England. Would the Pallots records be of any use to me with these areas? Particularly looking for Births, Marriages pre 1837 and having no luck with on line parish records or family search (LDS).
Thanks Chris