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Thomas Buckley

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Evelyn Report 8 May 2011 00:44

Can anyone tell me how long I should wait for a reply. I did a search for Thomas Buckley, found one in Torquay around the age I think. Tree owner Thomas? I emailed him but have not heard anything. Is there a way of finding when they added themselves to GR or whether they check their emails regularly? This could be who I am trying to find but they are not replying? I started looking 2nd May am I being impatient for a reply from a tree owner? I have very limited info and need to start in the Torquay, Devon area, he may have been a mechanic? and he would probably now be in his 60's but this is all a bit of a guess as this was all the info I was given many years ago.


Lindsey* Report 8 May 2011 01:00

If the envelope on sent mail is purple it has not been opened, you could try clicking on the name and sending a private message, that would show up on an email list, but only if he is still using the same provider.

Sorry there is still no way of seeing recent activity.


Evelyn Report 8 May 2011 01:08

Yes they are purple in my sent box but I cannot see where to send a private message. Sorry abit blonde I thought that was what I had done originally. Please explain where about private message is located on the sent messages. Thanks :-(


Lindsey* Report 8 May 2011 01:29

click on your name and send yourself a message !
It will appear on your email list.


jax Report 8 May 2011 02:52

If you sent a message to the Thomas who you mentioned in your other thread he became a member about 3 years ago so may or may not still be active or could have changed his email address



patchem Report 8 May 2011 10:11

I think you are being a little impatient, as some regular users only look at replies once a week, or less.
Or they could be on holiday or otherwise engaged.
However, I think you cannot assume that he will ever get in touch, so you need to try different methods to find what you are looking for.
(And, from what you have said, you did send him a private message so no blond moment).


Evelyn Report 8 May 2011 20:16

Thanks for that, I thought maybe I was impatient just that since I joined about a week ago this GR is abit addictive. Will be more patient and hope that he reads his emails shortly as I have no other info to try and find him. :-)


SylviaInCanada Report 8 May 2011 23:58


I remember someone posting some time ago that they only returned to GR to check once a year.

Others have been contacted months later

so, yes, you are being a wee bit impatient!

There are several reasons why someone might not reply to a pm

a) they have not received notification because the email address that GR has on record is not the present email of the person

b) they have completely lost interest in family history, and ignore all communications from GR

c) they might be veyr sick or dead, and no-one else in the family knows about GR, or knows how to delete the person from on here.



Cheshiremaid Report 9 May 2011 03:01

Hi Evelyn

I received a reply some 2 years after sending a message...goodness me now that was a surprise!!

Linda x


SylviaInCanada Report 9 May 2011 03:38



I think that must be close to the record!



Evelyn Report 9 May 2011 12:35

Many thanks for that, I am just about getting used this. Will just keep hoping someone out there recognises the name. I have not known for 45 years so what will a few more years matter except he is getting older!!!! Thaks once again to all you good people