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Thomas Buckley
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Evelyn | Report | 8 May 2011 00:44 |
Can anyone tell me how long I should wait for a reply. I did a search for Thomas Buckley, found one in Torquay around the age I think. Tree owner Thomas? I emailed him but have not heard anything. Is there a way of finding when they added themselves to GR or whether they check their emails regularly? This could be who I am trying to find but they are not replying? I started looking 2nd May am I being impatient for a reply from a tree owner? I have very limited info and need to start in the Torquay, Devon area, he may have been a mechanic? and he would probably now be in his 60's but this is all a bit of a guess as this was all the info I was given many years ago. |
Lindsey* | Report | 8 May 2011 01:00 |
If the envelope on sent mail is purple it has not been opened, you could try clicking on the name and sending a private message, that would show up on an email list, but only if he is still using the same provider. |
Researching: |
Evelyn | Report | 8 May 2011 01:08 |
Yes they are purple in my sent box but I cannot see where to send a private message. Sorry abit blonde I thought that was what I had done originally. Please explain where about private message is located on the sent messages. Thanks :-( |
Lindsey* | Report | 8 May 2011 01:29 |
click on your name and send yourself a message ! |
Researching: |
jax | Report | 8 May 2011 02:52 |
If you sent a message to the Thomas who you mentioned in your other thread he became a member about 3 years ago so may or may not still be active or could have changed his email address |
Researching: |
patchem | Report | 8 May 2011 10:11 |
I think you are being a little impatient, as some regular users only look at replies once a week, or less. |
Evelyn | Report | 8 May 2011 20:16 |
Thanks for that, I thought maybe I was impatient just that since I joined about a week ago this GR is abit addictive. Will be more patient and hope that he reads his emails shortly as I have no other info to try and find him. :-) |
SylviaInCanada | Report | 8 May 2011 23:58 |
Evelyn |
Researching: |
Cheshiremaid | Report | 9 May 2011 03:01 |
SylviaInCanada | Report | 9 May 2011 03:38 |
hmmmmmmmm |
Researching: |
Evelyn | Report | 9 May 2011 12:35 |
Many thanks for that, I am just about getting used this. Will just keep hoping someone out there recognises the name. I have not known for 45 years so what will a few more years matter except he is getting older!!!! Thaks once again to all you good people |