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Searching at a Probate office

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Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 7 May 2011 16:55

What do you see if you search for an entry at a probate office?

Is it just an entry, similar to those on Ancestry....or do you have an option of viewing the actual Will and buying a copy?

I have a particular office in mind and know that public can search themselves without an appointment.

Has any one searched this way, please?



tempest Report 7 May 2011 17:16

When I searched at the probate office I found the entries to be in the same format as those on ancestry.

Some of the register info was searchable at the office via a computerised system, whilst others were in the "hard copy" registers which are massive books, each holding one year of records, inside listed alphabetically by surname. I found the staff there very helpful.

To see the actual will I needed to buy a copy which was then posted to me.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 May 2011 01:15

Thank you for that.
It's very helpful.



Carolyn Report 8 May 2011 11:13

If you go to the London Probate Office in High Holborn the indexes are exactly the same as those on Ancestry (except the really recent ones which are on computer) but for £6 you can order a copy to be faxed down from York, this should take one hour, sometimes a bit longer, or for the same price they will send it to you by post.


Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 8 May 2011 11:43

Thanks Carolyn.

That sounds to be a great service.



TootyFruity Report 8 May 2011 13:27

Hi Gwyn

Jonesey has a thread on obtaining Wills. Here is the link