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Birth Mothers maiden Name

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DIZZI Report 7 May 2011 08:11


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 7 May 2011 07:37

The mothers maiden IS on the birth certificates, Its just wasnt added to the GRO indexes before 1911.
Its the same way ages and dates of births were gradually incorporated into the death indexes,


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 May 2011 23:34

Is there some confusiion over the gro *indexes* and the actual birth certificate?

The mother's maiden name (or first and only surname if she was unmarried) is not *listed* on the index until 4Q 1911. The index is just a list with reference numbers to identify the record.

The mmn, for the most part, been recorded on the actual birth registration, a copy of which is the birth certificate we can all purchase from gro - using the reference numbers from the Index.

Baptism records, which could take place many years after the birth, after 1812 normally only show the father's names and the Christian names of the mother (his wife). They do not, assuming the parents were married, give the mother's maiden name.


Joy Report 6 May 2011 23:02

You have lost me where you said "But we are not allowed to view these before 1911." - not allowed to view what, please?


**Ann** Report 6 May 2011 22:58


Do you mean the child was illegiimate?.....then yes the mothers name would be on the cert........the registrars only added the mothers maiden name to the document in 1912.

On some of the older baptisms the mother was not mentioned at all, and in a lot of cases just by her first name..........I dont think we women were rated very highly in the old days!! lol


sprucespringclean Report 6 May 2011 22:48

Hello Joy
My next question is if she was a single mother, her name would be there surely. But we are not allowed to view these before 1911. I hope i'am making sense on this.

Thankyou Spruce


Nickydownsouth Report 6 May 2011 22:45

I think its just that the mothers maiden name wasn`t added to the record as seen before 1911 ...nothing to do with a 100 year rule.

Sites such as Lancs BMD sometimes have the mothers maiden name added to the record for records much earleir than 1911.

I`m afraid the only other way to find it out is to purchase the cert.

Is there anything anyone on here can help with? If we can find the person with parents on the census you may not need to get the cert.......though obviously for 100% proof a cert. is the best way to go.....I always try to get BM and D certs. for my direct line, and if its a common surname its always a good idea to insure you are tracking the correct family.



Joy Report 6 May 2011 22:42

Because that is the way that it was done on the registration indexes.


sprucespringclean Report 6 May 2011 22:37

Does anyone know why we can only get the birth mothers maiden name after 1911 please. If there is a 100 year law on information regarding family history why can't we now access records from before this time.

Thankyou Spruce ;-)