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WW1 Military Questions

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was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 6 May 2011 22:26

Men could be in any regiment - not necessarily a local one. They went where they were needed!


**Ann** Report 6 May 2011 21:19


Have you searched for his WW1 service records, or were they among the ones destroyed?

A good source is the museum at Fort George which was and is the base for the SH............I went there a couple of years ago a wonderful place, the museum was most interesting........and they should be able to help you with your query.


EDIT...........Regimental Museum of the Highlanders

Tel in UK: 01463 224380
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Katy Report 6 May 2011 20:26

Hi My Great Grandfather Charles Hatton b. 1892 served in the first world war. His medal card says he was in the Seaforth Highlanders then the Kings Shropshire Light Infantry and then the Seaforth Highlanders again.
He lived in Cheshire all his life before the war and after as far as i am aware. Therefore i'm wondering why he was in a Scottish Regiment (Seaforth Highlanders). Also why he seemed to transfer in to the K.S.L.I
and then back in to the Seaforth Highlanders. I know that he was injured (lost an eye) and recieved a silver war badge as a result as well as the victory and british war medals. Any suggestions welcome.
