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Adding photos from other trees?

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InspectorGreenPen Report 2 May 2011 17:58

This actually highlights something that many members may not be aware of.

All photos attached to trees that you have been granted access to can be downloaded to your PC.


Celia Report 1 May 2011 16:54

Thanks for your help
I thought I may have to ask them to e-mail the photo but was wondering if there was a way to do it through the site.



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 1 May 2011 15:58

If you 'enlarge' the photo then right click.
Select 'Save As' and select where on your computer you want to save it. Then you can up load to your own tree.

Personally, you'd be better off following GeordieLad's advice and ask to be emailed a copy of the original direct. The one I experimented with has been reduced in size to fit within the GR permitted file size.


GeordieLad Report 1 May 2011 15:23

I would imagine that GR don't provide a facility for this - it would be too open to abuse in terms of copyright etc.

Perhaps you should simply ask them to email you a copy of the picture so you can upload it to your tree/


Celia Report 1 May 2011 14:55

Hello there

Is there a way to add a photo from another persons tree onto your own? I am in contact with another member and we share a relatve back a couple of generations. They have a photo of this ancester and I wish to add this to the same person in my tree. Is there a way of doing this?
