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help with ftm

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Whitenancy Report 27 Apr 2011 17:19

Just got my copy of ftm today which is great but all my family history stuff is on my net book
Not being very technically minded is there a way to copy the ftm files on to a memory stick and transfer them on to my net book

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 27 Apr 2011 18:29

you can only transfer them over if you have FTM program on the place where you want to transfer too.Cant you copy the files from your netbook to FTM .ie the other way round


InspectorGreenPen Report 27 Apr 2011 20:26

Do you have two computers? Why not install FTM onto your netbook, or is it the case that it doesn't have a cd drive?


TootyFruity Report 27 Apr 2011 21:15

On your netbook, is your tree on any form of family history software. If so create a GEDCOM and transfer it to a memory stick or email it to yourself then download onto the computer with FTM on. You could then open it up in FTM


Whitenancy Report 27 Apr 2011 21:49

got main pc which is a bit old and not very good and usually occupied by my son which has a disc drive. I have a net book which i use exclusively and has all my email and bookmarks etc set but has no disc drive.

What i want to do is install Ftm on my netbook

I know how to transfer gedcoms etc


TootyFruity Report 27 Apr 2011 22:00

I can't see how you can install FTM without a disc drive unless they have a downloadable version online.

Could you get an external disc drive and plug it into a usb port. You could then install the program from a disc.


InspectorGreenPen Report 28 Apr 2011 08:44

Try posting a question on the Family Tree Maker Forum


Andysmum Report 28 Apr 2011 21:02

My husband backs up all our family tree info (on FTM) on to a portable hard drive (the same idea as a memory stick??) which he also uses to transfer his accounts, correspondence etc. to his laptop. We have never tried to load FTM on to the laptop, but it might be worth a try with a memory stick.


mgnv Report 29 Apr 2011 13:03

You ought to be able to copy the ftm disk to your memory stick and install it from there - just guessing though.