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jemimaellen Report 27 Apr 2011 12:28

Can anyone help , i have my 3x Great,Grandfather's Burial record and his wife's Burial record . but i have no idea where he was born as they died in 1821 and 1823 , they are not on the 1841 Cenus which would have said if they were born in Birmingham or not , 99% of my Ancestors were born in Aston Birmingham
My 3 x Great,Grandparents were Samuel and Jane hart they Married on 17 June 1811 at St Laurence Church Northfeild in Worcester ,i have no idea where Either was born . any help in working out where to go next please .


Janet Report 27 Apr 2011 13:04

Any age on the burial record?-jl


Janet Report 27 Apr 2011 13:05

Also, have you the maiden name of Jane Hart if you have the marriage date?-j

Jane Parker- familysearch


jemimaellen Report 27 Apr 2011 13:19

Hi Thank you for all the replies , the ages on the burials tell me Samuel was born in 1790 and Jane in 1789 , Janes maiden name was Parker , the Marriage was from a Bishop Transcript , and not knowing where they were Born i dont know which Parish records to start with, they had 4 Kids and i have lots of info on them Baptism's Marriages ect, they were all Baptised at St Philips in Birmingham , and Samuel was a Sliver Smith up till about 1818 the became a Spectacle Frame Maker ... Oh PigletsPal i have already been there, done that and got the tee-shirt (lol) i was born in the same area , and have been back with new cousins ... once again thanks for you replies .


Janet Report 27 Apr 2011 13:21

Just looking at the batch number there is only one Parker getting married which is Jane.
When I enter the surname Hart into the batch number, lots of them appear, suggesting that he may have married in his local area.
What is the name of his first son? There is no substitute for spending your holiday visiting, as advocated by pigletspal-lol -, but if you are feeling less fanatical you could consider the names of their children compared with possibilities in the( marriage )batch. His parents may be there.-jl


jemimaellen Report 27 Apr 2011 13:36

Hi Janet the Children are Edwin B, 1813.... Sarah ,1816..... Jane 1818 and Samuel 1822 . I can account for each of the kids , i have thier Baptims. Marriages , children and Deaths , it is just trying to work out where bothe Samuel and Jane were born , i was told that a marriage took place in the Brides Parish , but that dosent mean she was Born there , i'm sorry Janet i dont understand the last bit of your reply about considering the Names of the children compared with the Marriage batch ....again thanks for your rely


Janet Report 27 Apr 2011 13:42

Sometimes, not always, the first son is named after the paternal grandfather,the first daughter after the maternal grandmother, then the second son after the maternal grandfather and the second daugher after the paternal grandmother, and so on......Whilst this is not definite proof it always feels reassuring when this naming pattern occurs in a family. -jl