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Adding second marriages to my family tree

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oldbean Report 23 Apr 2011 22:32

I am sure I have seen the answer somewhere on here but please can anyone enlighten me as to how to add second marriages with children too please. Thank you if anyone is able to reply.


Flick Report 23 Apr 2011 22:35

To add a second spouse, select the person concerned, and click on 'add partner', exactly as for the first one.

I presume you refer to a GR tree?


oldbean Report 23 Apr 2011 23:19

Thanks Flick will have a go, yes GR tree!


InspectorGreenPen Report 27 Apr 2011 09:02

If you add the child to the wrong parent by mistake then there is a facility to swap it it over.

However, what is odd is that the on screen display lists, from left to right fathers then mothers, ordered by year of birth, apparently, not year of marriage..

What is more, children from the first father then drop down from the link between the two fathers, which can look a bit strange. Similarly if there is more than one mother on the right hand side, children from the second mother drop down from the link between her and the first one.


oldbean Report 30 Apr 2011 23:21

So sorry not to have seen replies from PigletsPal and InspectorGreenPen before now. Thank you for responding, yes my tree is definately not right! I have the two wives tacked together with the second wifes children droping down from the two wives looking as if they both gave birth, although the husband is still linked with his first wife! I know this probably doesnt make sense but at least I know what it means but I dont expect anyone else will!
I did see somene elses tree with a second marriage completely on its own but in the right place anyone know how that was done?
Thanks for tips anyway.


InspectorGreenPen Report 1 May 2011 10:34

Yes, that is the way it displays, if you select the common spouse, in your case the father, you will see him on the left with the two wives on the right. and the children from the second wife dropping down from her left. but from the double line linking both wives.

If you then select each of the wives, in turn, you will see just her, husband and her children, displayed correctly.

Don't worry about it, it isn't anything you have done, nor is there anything you can do to change it, as far as I am aware.

Odd I know.....!


InspectorGreenPen Report 1 May 2011 10:40

Interestingly, just checkd on my FTM program and it does something similar on a descendant chart with the father on the left then wife one and wife two on the right, linked by a double line.

The difference is that the children then drop down from their respective mothers, not from the double line linking the three spouses as it does on GR.


oldbean Report 1 May 2011 22:29

Just logged on again!! Thank you InspectorGreenPen for confirming that I havn't made such a mess of my tree after all then! I am reassured now so as I have at least one other family member who has married twice in my family history I can continue in a similar vein. Thanks again.