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Veronica AC Sturges
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Simon | Report | 21 Apr 2011 21:54 |
Is there any quick way of finding out if the Veronica born in 1944 in Felixstowe is the same Veronica who married John H Dunnett in 1963 in Samford, Suffolk? THANKS |
Flick | Report | 21 Apr 2011 21:58 | the certs. |
Simon | Report | 21 Apr 2011 22:02 |
I've got the birth cert and no father is listed. It also states 'adopted' so I would have thought her name would have changed after adoption but bit of a coincidence that there is another Veronica AC Sturges in same area. |
brummiejan | Report | 22 Apr 2011 06:54 |
Simon, I would say the marriage cert would be necessary though then you would think her name would be different, as you say. I assume you are trying to find out about the Veronica who married? |
Researching: |
brummiejan | Report | 22 Apr 2011 06:57 |
Having looked, I can't think who else it would be as there only seems to be one birth for someone of this name. |
Researching: |
Simon | Report | 22 Apr 2011 07:05 |
Thanks Jan. It just seems strange she kept the same name. Basically I'm trying to track my mum's natural family down. She was adopted in 1944 but unfortunately died in 1983 and we only found out she was adopted afterwards. We know she was born in the Deben district (suffolk) and her birthday was 9th August 1944 which matches the date of registration on Veronica's birth certificate - its all just a load of coincidences!! Up until I saw the marriage record I thought the Veronica born in 1944 may have been my mum but not so sure now. |
brummiejan | Report | 22 Apr 2011 07:21 |
I cn see why you are perplexed with that DOB. Have you noticed there are 2 children born to this marriage? |
Researching: |
Simon | Report | 22 Apr 2011 07:28 |
I haven't noticed that no. Will have a look now. On my birth certificate it has my mums place of birth as Woodbridge, Suffolk which is near Felixstowe. The only living 'relative' on my mums side does remember vaguely (she is in her 80's!) that this was true. On freebmd there is only one female birth registered in this quarter in 1944 in that area. God knows! I'll order the marriage cert and at least know one way or the other. Thanks. |