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Marriage Cert Info

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Susan Report 20 Apr 2011 13:06

Can anyone help please?
I have an ancestors marriage cert for 1847 and both the bride and groom are registered as minors - i was hoping to get a date for birth records.
At what age would they be classified as minors and how old before they could marry?

Many thanks.


Jonesey Report 20 Apr 2011 13:08

In that context under 21. Females at that time could marry at the age of 12 and males at the age of 14.

The 1851 census should provide a better indication of their age.

Their fathers details from the marriage certificate should also help you to find them on the 1841 census.

Since they married in 1847 their births would be before the introduction of civil registration (September quarter 1837) so there will not be any birth certificate. You may however find a reference of their baptism in parish records.


Susan Report 20 Apr 2011 13:11

Thanks Jonesey,
Wow thats quite an age gap. I suppose i'll have to try and narrow it down by cencus.


mgnv Report 21 Apr 2011 02:01

At that time, you'll often find folk aged 21+ referred to as "of full age" on m.certs.

In England, minors then (as know) need parental permission to marry, although the permission-needed age is now lowered to 18, and the min age to marry is now 16.